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The citizens of the European Union communicate in its 24 official languages, approximately 60 regional and minority languages, and 31 national and regional sign languages. Some of these have many millions of native and foreign speakers, whereas others are spoken by just a few thousand people each. Dominant languages can threaten the survival of 'smaller' ones with many fewer native speakers and which thus need protection. Multilingualism policy in areas such as language teaching and learning, and ...

Legislatures in some EU Member States (MS) have introduced special, simplified and accelerated tracks for small claims in legally uncomplicated cases. Those procedures vary both as regards the threshold and level of simplification. The Treaty of Amsterdam gave the EU powers to harmonise civil procedure. As part of that mandate, the EU has adopted a number of coordination instruments (regulating conflicts of jurisdiction and mutual recognition) and created two autonomous EU civil procedures, including ...

The unitary patent

Kratki prikaz 06-12-2012

Harmonising patent law in Europe has been a constant goal since the 1960s. However significant challenges, particularly relating to languages and litigation of patent cases, have repeatedly blocked attempts. Now, 25 Member States have signed up to a compromise under enhanced cooperation. Spain and Italy abstained because of objections to the language rules.