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Solvay Library to become the 'Library of Europe'

Rövid áttekintés 26-11-2019

Thanks to the European Parliament, the old Solvay Library will soon once again fulfil its original purpose as a European cultural centre. Founded by Belgian industrialist Ernest Solvay, the library of the Brussels Institute of Sociology made its mark through the originality of its architecture and functional layout. Designed in 1902 as a working laboratory for research in the then emerging field of social sciences, it soon became the hub of an international documentation network, using a pioneering ...

A Léopold park szívében és az európai intézmények közelében található Eastman épület ad otthont az Európai Történelem Házának, amely 2017-ben nyitja meg kapuit a közönség előtt. Azáltal, hogy e célra kiválasztották és helyreállították ezt az egykori fogászati klinikát, hangsúlyt kaphatott e jelentős, a brüsszeli és európai kulturális örökség részét képező épületnek a történelme. A fogászati klinika, melyet George Eastman, a Kodak cég alapítója hozott létre, 1935-ben épült a Léopold parkban, amely ...

Although Brussels is often referred to as the de facto ‘capital of Europe’, the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas has argued that the city suffers from an ‘iconographic deficit’, because the way the space is organised, together with the architecture of EU buildings is insufficiently distinctive to be particularly memorable. In fact, there are quite a number of places of symbolic significance for Europe to be found in Brussels and which reflect three main themes: pre-EU culture involving European myths ...

This working document provides a photography of the current state of affairs in EU lobbying, addressing questions such as the number of organisations involved, their main strategies and working methods; this description is based on an analysis of recent academic work on lobbying and special interest representation. Moreover, the paper gives an overview of current rules and practices concerning lobbying in the parliamentary institutions of the Member States, based on research done with the help of ...