Establishing an industrial emissions portal

Briefing 05-03-2024

The European Green Deal envisages a review of measures addressing pollution from large industrial installations, with a view to aligning existing legislation with the EU's zero pollution ambition, and energy, climate and circular economy policy goals. On 5 April 2022, the European Commission tabled a proposal to revise the Industrial Emissions Directive, the main European Union instrument regulating pollutant emissions from industry, together with a proposal to revise the Regulation establishing the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register, relating to environmental information. The proposal seeks to upgrade the existing register to a more comprehensive and integrated industrial emissions portal, enabling more accurate monitoring of the environmental performance of large industrial activities. The main changes proposed include better alignment with the Industrial Emissions Directive, both in terms of activities covered and reporting level; inclusion of reporting on the use of resources; and integration in the database of additional relevant environmental data reported under other related EU legislation. The European Parliament and the Council reached a provisional agreement on the file on 29 November 2023. The agreed text was endorsed by Member State representatives on 15 December 2023 and by Parliament's Environment Committee on 11 January 2024. It now awaits formal adoption by the co-legislators. The vote in plenary is scheduled for the March 2024 session. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.