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New EU rules on fisheries control

Glaustai 03-03-2021

Fisheries control aims to ensure compliance with the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), and is therefore a key condition for its success. The EU control system is currently under revision, with a European Commission proposal intended to modernise the monitoring of fisheries activities, improve enforcement and update the rules in line with the latest CFP reform. Parliament's vote on the revision is scheduled for the March I part-session.

In 2012, the European Council introduced European Defence Cooperation on its agenda and kept it as a ‘rolling’ item ever since. A series of push factors beginning in 2014 has accelerated the process of European Defence Cooperation and the European Council finally began to commit more to defence than ever in December 2016. The upcoming June 2018 European Council is expected to continue to drive the process of European Defence Cooperation and continue the trend of cooperation.

During the December plenary session, Parliament is expected to vote at second reading on a Commission proposal to revise the EU system of issuing and managing fishing authorisations. The aim is to improve monitoring and transparency of the EU external fishing fleet, wherever it operates.

Žvejybos išteklių išsaugojimas

FACT_SHEET 01-09-2017

Norint išsaugoti žuvų išteklius, reikia užtikrinti aplinkos požiūriu tausų šių išteklių naudojimą ir ilgalaikį sektoriaus gyvybingumą. Norėdama pasiekti šį tikslą, Europos Sąjunga priėmė teisės aktus, kuriais reglamentuojama teisė naudotis ES vandenimis, išteklių paskirstymas ir naudojimas, bendras leidžiamas sužvejoti kiekis, žvejybos pastangų apribojimai ir kitos techninės priemonės.

This study assesses the value and impact on fish stocks of marine recreational and semi-subsistence fisheries in Europe. Total economic impact of marine recreational fishing amounts to 10.5 billion euro, supporting almost 100,000 jobs. The impact varies between fish stocks, representing 2-72% of total catch. The marine recreational fisheries are biologically and economically important, so should be included in stock assessment to ensure sustainability, and considered a sector for development alongside ...

The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) covers all aspects of the fishing industry. The EU has exclusive responsibility for the sustainable exploitation of living marine resources, which is subject to rules stating how, where and when different species can be caught in order, above all, to protect juveniles and marine habitats that are vulnerable to certain fishing techniques. A system of total allowable catches, divided into quotas for each Member State, rules, for many fish stocks, just how many fish ...

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's Impact Assessment (IA) accompanying its proposal on the sustainable management of external fishing fleets, repealing Council Regulation (EC) 1006/2008. The proposal, adopted on 10 December 2015, was referred to the Parliament’s Committee on Fisheries. Overall, the impression is that the IA has made a genuine attempt to articulate what it perceives to be the problems necessitating action and ...

In December 2015 the European Commission proposed a revised system for issuing and managing fishing authorisations, intended to improve monitoring and transparency of the EU external fishing fleet. The proposal, replacing the current 'Fishing Authorisations Regulation' 1006/2008, would apply to all EU vessels fishing outside EU waters, and to third-country vessels fishing in EU waters. The current scope of the authorisation system would be extended to include practices which have been poorly monitored ...

This study describes fisheries, stock status, ICES advice and management measures for the Northern and Southern sardine stocks in EU Atlantic waters. Information on sardine biology and ecology is provided for a better understanding of stock development. Social and economic dimensions are addressed for sardine fisheries in France, Spain and Portugal. The study provides recommendations to improve knowledge on the species and indicates management measures which might be considered for the sustainability ...

The principal environmental impact of driftnets is related to the bycatch of non-target species. In general driftnets have a high degree of size selectivity and can efficiently be regulated by mesh size. Few alternative fishing methods are available to catch the species targeted by driftnets, and the impact for some of these gears is controversial. Solutions are proposed to mitigate the environmental impact of driftnet fisheries by alternative fishing gears and improvement of selectivity.