Improving EU action to end poverty in developing countries - Cost of non-Europe report
Progress on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals has been insufficient, not least because of shocks such as the COVID 19 pandemic and recent wars. The cost of this lack of progress is borne by 'least developed countries' – low-income countries with low indicators of socio-economic development, as defined by the UN. This study reviews the European Union's role in policies that affect poverty in these contexts. It identifies 12 challenges that could be addressed to some extent by further ...
Latvijas Nacionālais atveseļošanas un noturības plāns: Pašreizējais stāvoklis
Saskaņā ar Atveseļošanas un noturības mehānismu (ANM) Latvijas Nacionālā atveseļošanas un noturības plāna (NANP) sākotnējā vērtība bija 1826 miljoni EUR. 2022. gada jūnijā Latvijai paredzētais dotāciju piešķīrums tika nedaudz palielināts — līdz 1835 miljoniem EUR. 2023. gada septembrī Latvija iesniedza lūgumu veikt grozījumus tās NANP, pievienojot tam REPowerEU nodaļu ar papildu dotāciju piešķīrumu 124 miljonu EUR apmērā. Tā arī pieprasīja novirzīt daļu no savas Brexit korekcijas rezerves (11 miljonus ...
Future-proofing the EU's global health strategy
The new EU global health strategy, adopted by the European Commission on 30 November 2022, has been positioned as a crucial element of EU external policy, geopolitical influence and strategic autonomy. However, maintaining the long term commitment necessary for achieving global health ambitions in turbulent times remains challenging. Against this backdrop, in 2023 the Policy Foresight Unit of the European Parliamentary Research Service conducted a foresight exercise involving external experts to ...
Cost of non-Europe in health policy
The European Union stepped up its action in the area of health – a shared competence between the EU and its Member States – in response to the COVID 19 pandemic. Yet, the EU lacks a joint health policy that recognises health as a public good. This study investigates three areas where there is high added-value potential from a joint EU health policy: research and development; the availability of prescription medicines; and preventive healthcare. EU action in these areas could generate benefits for ...
Desmit jomas, kurās Eiropa tev varētu dot vairāk
Globālās problēmas, tostarp klimata pārmaiņas, ģeopolitiskie konflikti, demokrātijas principu erozija un sociālā nevienlīdzība, ietekmē cilvēku ikdienas dzīvi un nākotnes perspektīvas. Kopīga Eiropas reakcija nākamo 10 gadu laikā varētu palīdzēt risināt šīs problēmas un sniegt ieguvumus līdz pat 3 triljoniem eiro gadā. Tas ir aptuveni 18 % no ES iekšzemes kopprodukta (IKP), kas atbilst 6700 € uz vienu iedzīvotāju gadā. Atsaucoties uz Eiropas Parlamenta paveikto darbu 2019.–2024. gada sasaukuma laikā ...
Promotion of freedom of scientific research in the EU
This European added value assessment (EAVA) seeks to inform the European Parliament's legislative initiative 2023/2184(INL) entitled 'Promotion of the freedom of scientific research in the EU'. Freedom of scientific research forms an integral part of academic freedom, and this study confirms the de facto erosion of academic freedom, including its underlying conditions, across the EU. It also identifies new forms of threat, such as the role of new technologies, use of strategic lawsuits, increasing ...
EU framework for the social and professional situation of artists and workers in the cultural and creative sectors
This European added value assessment (EAVA) supports the European Parliament's legislative initiative 2023/2051(INL) entitled 'EU framework for the social and professional situation of artists and workers in the cultural and creative sectors'. Reviewing the existing legal framework and identifying the gaps, the study explores possible policy options to tackle the problems and looks at why EU action is needed. It analyses the potential impacts of the policy options, also conducting a qualitative and ...
Mapping the cost of non-Europe report: Theoretical foundations and practical considerations
This study has been drawn up by the European Added Value Unit within the European Parliament's Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services. It is part of a research project to better define the concepts of the cost of non-Europe and of European added value. The study recounts the development of these concepts and specifically how they have been used to support the European Parliament's work in setting the legislative agenda. It also presents their theoretical underpinnings and the main ...
Qualified majority voting in common foreign and security policy - A cost of non-Europe report
Common foreign and security policy (CFSP) has a particular status in the EU legal framework, part of which is the unanimity rule within the Council. This report analyses decision-making rules in CFSP from a 'cost of non-Europe' perspective. It identifies CFSP challenges and the extent to which they could be attributed to unanimity. This allows us to identify the current 'cost of unanimity'. The report also analyses possible alternatives to unanimity decision-making in CFSP, such as a switch to qualified ...
Stress-testing to promote the resilience of EU policies
Stress-testing is a promising foresight policy tool that can support the design of EU policies able to withstand the shocks and challenges of both the present day and the years to come. This study explores how the European Parliament could use stress-tests to identify weak points in EU legislation and avenues for further EU action. The study draws on the findings of a stress-test of EU rail transport policy and recommendations from an expert practitioner of foresight and regulatory policy. It finds ...