10 years of Banking Union case law
Banking Union is crucial for European integration, ensuring financial stability in the single market for financial services. The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) plays an essential role in interpreting and enforcing the legal framework of the Banking Union, especially regarding the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) and the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM). This in-depth analysis scrutinises the pertinent CJEU case law and highlights its implications for the Banking Union and the EU ...
Accountability of the European Banking Union
The European Banking Union has marked a substantial transfer of powers for banking supervision and resolution from the national to the supranational arena. With power and independence comes accountability to ensure that the competences are exercised in accordance with their legal framework. This paper analyses existing accountability mechanisms and concludes that accountability should be strengthened in light of the relevance of supervisory and resolution decisions both on an individual fundamental ...
On the transparency and accountability of the SSM
This paper argues that the mandate of the SSM is too imprecise to function as a quantifiable yardstick based on which the performance of the ECB can be objectively evaluated. The accountability mechanisms should therefore focus on policy processes, underlying analyses and motivations instead of results. Based on the transparency index of Liedorp (2013), the SSM appears much more transparent than national supervisors at the time of the SSM’s creation. However, the legislative framework lacks one ...
Ekonomikas pārvaldība
Ar terminu “ekonomikas pārvaldība” saprot sistēmu, kuru veido iestādes un procedūras un kuras uzdevums ir sasniegt ES ekonomisks mērķus, proti, veicināt ES un tās pilsoņu ekonomisko un sociālo progresu. Iepriekšējā ekonomikas un fiskālās koordinācijas sistēma izrādījās neatbilstoša finanšu, fiskālās un ekonomiskās krīzes, kas sākās 2008. gadā, apstākļos. ES ekonomikas pārvaldības uzlabojumi ietver spēcīgāku gan fiskālās, gan makroekonomiskās politikas koordināciju un uzraudzību un finanšu krīžu pārvarēšanas ...
2024 Country-specific recommendations
This document provides an overview of all country-specific recommendations for 2024 as proposed by the Commission on 19 June 2024 and agreed by the Council on 16 July 2024.
Public hearing with Claudia Buch, Chair of the ECB / SSM Supervisory Board
This briefing has been prepared for the public hearing with the Chair of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), Claudia Buch, scheduled for 2 September 2024. The previous hearing took place on 21 March 2024.
Makroekonomikas uzraudzība
Pēdējo desmit gadu laikā ES ir saskārusies ar lielu makroekonomisko nelīdzsvarotību un nopietnām konkurētspējas atšķirībām. Šāda nelīdzsvarotība ir gan saasinājusi 2008. gadā sākušās finanšu krīzes negatīvās sekas, gan kavējusi kopējās monetārās politikas pasākumu efektīvu izmantošanu to novēršanai. ES 2011. gadā izveidoja makroekonomikas nelīdzsvarotības novēršanas procedūru, lai identificētu un koriģētu šādu nelīdzsvarotību valstu līmenī, jo īpaši tādu nelīdzsvarotību, kura varētu izplatīties un ...
10 years of parliamentary scrutiny over the Single Supervisory Mechanism
We first discuss why and how banking supervisors should be held accountable for their activities, then consider the case of the ECB /SSM to report on the academic debate on its faults and merits. We also review the main accountability channels between the ECB and the EP, showing how they have been used since 2014. Finally, we outline some possible steps to improve the ECB’s accountability in the short term.
EU economic developments and projections
This briefing provides a summary of the recent economic developments in the EU Member States and gives an overview of relevant economic projections forecasted by major international and EU institutions. Annex 1 includes latest GDP data and forecasts for all EU Member States and Annex 2 the latest inflation data and developments.
Euro area monetary policy: Quarterly overview, July 2024
This briefing paper provides a summary of key monetary policy developments and decisions taken by the ECB’s Governing Council.