Artificial intelligence act
European Union lawmakers signed the artificial intelligence (AI) act in June 2024. The AI act, the first binding worldwide horizontal regulation on AI, sets a common framework for the use and supply of AI systems in the EU. The new act offers a classification for AI systems with different requirements and obligations tailored to a 'risk-based approach'. Some AI systems presenting 'unacceptable' risks are prohibited. A wide range of 'high-risk' AI systems that can have a detrimental impact on people's ...
EU Mapping: Overview of Internal Market and Consumer Protection related legislation
This paper provides a graphic overview on core legislation in the area of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. The presentation essentially covers the areas within the responsibility of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection, but also displays neighbouring areas of other Committees' competences which are closely connected to and impacting on IMCO's work. This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies and the Secretariat ...
The Sustainability-Related Financial Disclosures Regulation (SFDR) is the centrepiece of the sustainable finance strategy for funds and other financial products. However, its provisions are too complex, do not work as intended, and interact insufficiently with provisions shaping corporate reporting, indexes, or client preferences. A revised SFRD should include more recognisable product labels or categories, enable and foster transition investments, smoothly interact with corporate reporting, and ...
Efektīva patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības politika nodrošina vienotā tirgus pienācīgu darbību. Tā aizsargā patērētāju tiesības attiecībās ar komersantiem un rūpējas par lielāku mazāk aizsargāto patērētāju drošību. Patērētāju aizsardzības noteikumi kopumā var uzlabot tirgus rezultātus. Tie veicina taisnīgākus tirgus un, nodrošinot labāku informāciju patērētājiem, veicina videi nekaitīgākus un lielākus sociālos rezultātus. Patērētāju tiesību nostiprināšana un viņu interešu aizsardzība ir galvenie ES ...
Patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības pasākumi
Eiropas patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības pasākumu mērķis ir aizsargāt Eiropas patērētāju veselību, drošību, kā arī ekonomiskās un juridiskās intereses neatkarīgi no tā, kur Eiropas Savienībā viņi dzīvo, ceļo vai iepērkas. ES noteikumi regulē gan fiziskus darījumus, gan elektronisko komerciju, un tajos iekļautas kā vispārēji piemērojamas normas, tā noteikumi attiecībā uz konkrētiem produktiem, tostarp zālēm, ģenētiski modificētiem organismiem, tabakas izstrādājumiem, kosmētiku, rotaļlietām un sprāgstvielām ...
Ķimikālijas un pesticīdi
ES tiesību akti ķimikāliju un pesticīdu jomā ir paredzēti cilvēka veselības un vides aizsardzībai un tirdzniecības šķēršļu novēršanai. Tie ietver normas, kas reglamentē konkrētu kategoriju ķīmisko vielu tirdzniecību un izmantošanu, saskaņotu prasību kopumu attiecībā uz ierobežojumiem bīstamo vielu laišanai tirgū un izmantošanai, kā arī protokolus rīcībai smagu negadījumu apstākļos un bīstamo vielu eksportu. Divi svarīgākie sasniegumi ES līmenī ir CLP regula un REACH regula. Saskaņā ar Eiropas zaļo ...
Making representation of third countries' interests more transparent
According to the Flash Eurobarometer 528 survey, released in December 2023, 81 % of Europeans believe that foreign interference in our democratic systems is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. The current geopolitical tensions highlight the following dilemma: while international cooperation is required to tackle global challenges such as climate change, including the participation of third countries in the EU debate, such activities also carry the risk of foreign interference in EU policymaking ...
European health data space
The COVID-19 pandemic shone a light on the growing importance of digital health technologies, both to enable remote medical care and to facilitate the health response from international, national and local authorities. The European Commission's May 2022 proposal for a regulation on a European health data space aims to improve individuals' access to and control over their electronic personal data (primary use), while facilitating data re-use for the good of society across the EU (secondary use). The ...
Promoting the repair of goods
In March 2023, the European Commission proposed a directive on promoting the repair of goods, seeking to mitigate current linear business and consumption patterns, marked by frequent and premature replacement and discarding of goods. The provisional political agreement reached in February 2024 by the Parliament and Council is scheduled for a vote during the April II plenary session.
The European Parliament and the origins of consumer policy
Drawing on a wide array of sources and literature, this study examines the role of the European Parliament in the establishment of the European Community's consumer policy. It argues that Parliament played a key role in placing this nascent policy issue on the agenda. It influenced the definition of what the policy should include, what it should focus on, and which instruments should be used to address the problems facing European consumers. In this process, Parliament filtered ideas, issues and ...