
Ir-riżultati tiegħek

Qed tara 10 minn 18 riżultati

European Cultural Heritage Days allow millions of people across the continent to celebrate their cultural heritage every September. This year Ukrainians will not able to enjoy the celebrations, as Russia's aggression has killed or displaced innocent people and declared war on their culture. Since this cultural cleansing began in Crimea in 2014, the Russian army has damaged or destroyed hundreds of cultural, artistic, scientific, educational and religious institutions, sites and works. Artists, and ...

Russia's war on Ukraine's cultural heritage

Mad-Daqqa t’Għajn 21-04-2022

Russia's invasion of Ukraine aims to deny the sovereign country its right to a distinct identity. Indiscriminate shelling is seriously damaging Ukraine's cultural heritage. International law sets rules to limit civilian deaths and destruction of cultural heritage, both are war crimes that the international community will need to address.

Digital cultural diversity

Briefing 22-04-2021

Digital technologies have revolutionised every aspect of our lives, and culture is no exception. They have impacted on the value chains of all the cultural and creative industries not only as regards the creative process and its execution but also as regards the making of a work or product of art and its promotion, distribution, marketing and sale. Cultural heritage can be digitised and, in the case of analogue film, it needs to be digitised to be made accessible. Some production processes are solely ...

Performing arts: Emerging from confinement

Mad-Daqqa t’Għajn 29-06-2020

In the EU as elsewhere in the world, the performing arts were among the first sectors to be hit by measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus, and are now among the last to reopen. As the confinement measures are relaxed, the focus now is on supporting the performing arts and finding a way to re-engage with live audiences.

The concept of cultural diversity lies at the heart of the European project. Recent years have seen renewed interest in the sector's potential for promoting social cohesion, unity and tolerance, on the one hand, with continued recognition of its valuable economic role, on the other. There is a strong commitment at the EU level to ensure that culture is mainstreamed in all policy areas, with a special focus on the protection of cultural heritage and cultural diversity, which are key elements in cultural ...

Cultural heritage in EU policies

Briefing 22-05-2018

2018 is devoted to the European Union's cultural heritage. This paper focuses on the evolution of the very notion of cultural heritage, its role and place in society, as well as the way it is perceived and interpreted in the context of related EU prerogatives. The European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 is a result of this evolution, and allows EU citizens to gain a broad understanding of their cultural heritage in all its aspects, democratically share responsibility for it, celebrate it and benefit ...

On 13 December 2017, just a few days after the United Nations' Human Rights Day, the European Parliament (EP) adopted in plenary its annual resolution on human rights and democracy. Addressing the numerous pressures exerted on human rights in 2016, the resolution calls upon the European Union to place human rights at the centre of EU relations with all third countries and to lead by example. The resolution hails the step forward made for the empowerment of women, but also warns of two new challenges ...

In the EU, gender equality in education and several other policy areas is protected by law. In practice, however, full gender equality has still not been achieved. Beyond the EU, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has found that millions of girls are still being denied an education. Therefore, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) is calling for all countries to repeal discriminatory laws that create barriers ...

Dan ir-rapport jagħti analiżi komparattiva fil-fond ta’ tlettax-il studju tal-każ dwar il-lingwa sabiex jinkiseb għarfien tas-sitwazzjoni tal-lingwi minoritarji fl-edukazzjoni fl-Ewropa. Fih hemm deskritti indikazzjonijiet dwar l-aħjar prattiki filwaqt li huma enfasizzati l-isfidi li jiffaċċjaw il-lingwi minoritarji fl-edukazzjoni. Tingħata attenzjoni speċifika lill-edukazzjoni vokazzjonali u l-prospettivi tal-karriera. Fl-aħħar nett, dan ir-rapport jagħti rakkomandazzjonijiet dwar kif l-UE tista ...

Cultural heritage is vulnerable. Composed of historic buildings, monuments and artefacts of artistic, historic, religious, scientific or technological importance, it contributes to national identities, but can be destroyed in military conflict. The value and rarity of many cultural artefacts exposes them to human greed: they are vulnerable – especially during times of conflict – to being illegally removed from archaeological sites, stolen from museums, trafficked and sold to private collections. ...