
Ir-riżultati tiegħek

Qed tara 2 minn 2 riżultati

The commissioner-designate, Kadri Simson, appeared before the European Parliament on 03 October 2019 to answer questions from MEPs’ in the Committees on Industry, Research and Energy. During the hearing, she made a number of commitments which are highlighted in this document. These commitments refer to her portfolio, as described in the mission letter sent to her by Ursula von der Leyen, President-elect of the European Commission, including: - Safe, secure and sustainable energy; - Empowering ...

Id-Dipartiment Tematiku A jipprovdi għarfien espert ta' kwalità għolja, analiżijiet aġġornati u riċerka indipendenti lill-kumitati li jappoġġja: ECON, EMPL, ENVI, ITRE u IMCO. Dan il-fuljett jiffoka fuq is-servizzi tad-Dipartiment Tematiku għall-Kumitat ITRE.