
Ir-riżultati tiegħek

Qed tara 2 minn 2 riżultati

Unfair trade practices (UTPs) are practices imposed by a stronger party in a contractual relationship that grossly deviate from good commercial conduct and are contrary to good faith and fair dealing. UTPs are present at a national level, but they can also exert a negative impact on developing trade among Member States, which in turn may hinder the development of the internal market.

The aim of this study is to provide a preliminary assessment of the EU legal framework for trade and investment in energy. The European economy is expected to increase its reliance on international supplies, enhancing the importance of stable and open international markets and trade relationships for its energy security. The study investigates the difference between energy policy and trade policy, the relevance of WTO provisions that may serve EU energy interests, the rules on export duties and those ...