
Ir-riżultati tiegħek

Qed tara 7 minn 7 riżultati

Xenotransplantation, defined as the transplantation of animal derived organs and cells into humans, is currently a very active focus of research as it overrides some of the obstacles encountered with tissue engineering, such as vascularization and innervation. The resurgence of interest in xenotransplantation is mainly attributed to the improvement of gene editing techniques (such as CRISPR/Cas9), since genetically engineered animals have been generated to overcome organ rejection. However, xenotransplantation ...

This study examines the zoonotic disease risks posed by the livestock sector (including fur production), reviews the risks posed by different livestock species and production systems, and examines case studies of past zoonotic disease epidemics. Building on this evidence, it reviews EU zoonosis surveillance and control arrangements. It recommends improvements including integration of human and animal disease surveillance services, expanded use of syndromic surveillance and changes to the funding ...

Over the last decades, a variety of fatal infectious diseases have had zoonotic origins. The linkages between hosts, vectors, parasites and pathogens can be influenced by a multitude of factors, such as biodiversity, wildlife and land use. High levels of biodiversity may be a potential source of pathogen transmission, but biodiversity loss can also promote transmission by increasing the number of competent hosts for a pathogen. Biodiversity conservation reduces the risk of zoonotic diseases when ...

Is-sikurezza tal-ikel

Skedi Informattivi dwar l-UE 01-06-2017

L-implikazzjonijiet tal-politika Ewropea dwar is-sikurezza tal-ikel huma doppji: il-protezzjoni tas-saħħa tal-bnedmin u tal-interessi tal-konsumaturi, u l-iffavorizzar tal-funzjonament tajjeb tas-suq uniku Ewropew. B’hekk, l-Unjoni Ewropea tara li jiġu stabbiliti (u rispettati) regoli ta’ kontroll fl-oqsma tal-iġjene tal-prodotti tal-għalf u tal-ikel, tas-saħħa tal-annimali, tas-saħħa tal-pjanti u tal-prevenzjoni tal-kontaminazzjoni tal-prodotti tal-ikel minn sustanzi esterni. L-Unjoni tirregola ...

Avian influenza (AI), a highly contagious viral disease, can affect wild birds as well as poultry raised for food. In February 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned about the unprecedented diversity and geographical distribution of AI viruses circulating in wild and domestic birds. Genetic material is being exchanged very rapidly among the different viruses. This way novel viruses are emerging, whose potential impact on animal and human health is difficult to predict. Some strains ...

EU expenditure on 'food and feed' aims to contribute to safety along the food chain, mainly by preventing, controlling and eradicating serious pests and diseases, in animal or plants, and enhancing relevant control activities. Protecting public health and the value of the economic sectors related to the food chain are key objectives.

This report summarises the presentations and discussions at a Workshop- Hearing on the response of Member States and EU institutions to the H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009-2010 in the EU, held at the European Parliament in Brussels on Tuesday 5th October 2010. The aim of the workshop was to assess the response and to draw lessons from H1N1 for the EU response to future pandemics.