
Ir-riżultati tiegħek

Qed tara 3 minn 3 riżultati

The SDGs framework has the potential to provide a useful overarching framework to further the debate on Europe's political priorities, with a view to pursuing social, economic and environmental sustainability both within the Union and globally. However, this requires increasing the political buy-in across sectors. There is a need to translate the SDGs into concrete sectoral political priorities, targets and actions for the EU, and to agree on a legitimate framework for delivering these priorities ...

The World Economic Forum is considered to have significant influence. At the same time, it attracts considerable criticism. To its proponents, the organisation – through its meetings – enables business, NGOs and political leaders to meet and debate possible solutions to key issues of global concern. To its critics, the Forum, and specifically its annual meetings, is nothing more than an opaque venue for political and business leaders to take decisions without having to account to their electorate ...

Il-Komunikazzjoni tal-KE “Sħubija ġdida għall-modernizzazzjoni taluniversitajiet: il-Forum tal-UE għad-Djalogu bejn l-Universitajiet u n- Negozji” ġiet ippubblikata f’April tal-2009. Hija pass importanti fil-ħolqien ta’ rabtiet bejn id-dinja akkademika u d-dinja tan-negozju fl-Ewropa. Tgħarbel l-attivitajiet imgħoddija u tipproponi l-passi li jmiss fid-Djalogu bejn l- Universitajiet u n-Negozji. Dan l-istudju jippreżenta l-analiżi mwettqa mid-Deloitte dwar il-koperazzjoni bejn l-universitajiet u ...