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During the November II plenary session, Parliament will debate the issue of legal protection for rainbow families exercising free movement in the light of a case concerning the refusal to issue civil status documents to a child born to a lesbian couple.

The European Union is considering regulating facial recognition in the proposed artificial intelligence act, currently under discussion. This EPRS publication explains the state of play and further highlights the concerns raised by the use and the potential impacts on people's fundamental rights of facial recognition technologies. Against this background, the paper explores the current EU legal framework applicable to facial recognition and examines the recent proposals for regulating facial recognition ...

The unprecedented arrival of refugees and irregular migrants in the EU, which peaked in 2015, exposed a series of deficiencies and gaps in EU policies on external borders. It affected the functioning of the Schengen rules, leading to the re-introduction of border checks by several Member States. In response to these challenges, as well as the surge in terrorist and serious cross-border crime activities, the EU has embarked on a broader process of reform aimed at strengthening its external borders ...

Highlights of the April I plenary session included debates on the Future of Europe with Swedish Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, and on UK withdrawal from the EU. Important debates also took place on several legislative proposals, and Members voted on proposals including the mobility package files debated during the March II plenary session on rules for posted road transport workers and on working conditions for drivers. Parliament also adopted first-reading positions on three further proposed funding ...

Oczekuje się, że w kwietniu Parlament Europejski zagłosuje nad wnioskiem ustawodawczym mającym na celu zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa dowodów tożsamości obywateli UE, jak również dokumentów pobytowych wydawanych obywatelom Unii i członkom ich rodzin. Wniosek ma na celu ograniczenie wykorzystywania fałszywych dokumentów, którymi terroryści i przestępcy mogą posługiwać się przy wjeździe do UE z państw spoza UE.

Digital technology brings greater efficiency in many walks of life, and elections are no exception. Online databases hugely facilitate the task of creating and managing accurate and up-to-date electoral rolls. In less developed countries, whose citizens often lack reliable identity documents, biometric technology can help to identify voters, thus preventing fraud in the form of multiple voting. However, for some aspects of election management, digitalisation is more controversial. Electronic voting ...

Currently, there are at least 86 different versions of ID cards, and 181 types of residence documents in circulation in the EU. The format and minimum standards for ID cards and residence documents is not regulated on EU level. In order to strengthen the security features of ID cards and residence documents of EU citizens and their non-EU family members, the European Commission published a legislative proposal. The impact assessment accompanying this proposal clearly explains the problems currently ...

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, at the request of the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE Committee), primarily assesses the Commission’s December 2017 proposals for a Regulation on establishing a framework for interoperability between EU Justice and Home Affairs information systems. The study first analyses the relationships between the information systems in the ...

The interconnections between border management, migration and internal security have become more apparent recently in the context of high inflows of refugees and irregular migrants and of increasing terrorist activities in the EU. To address these challenges, the EU has taken steps to revise and develop the European information systems in order to improve the collection, processing and sharing of data among Member States and relevant EU agencies. This publication provides an overview of the existing ...

Kontrole na granicach zewnętrznych są kluczem do zapewnienia odpowiedniej swobody przemieszczania się i bezpieczeństwa w strefie Schengen. Unia Europejska, stanąwszy w obliczu zagrożeń w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego (szczególnie z uwagi na wzrost liczby ataków terrorystycznych i zagrożeń ze strony „zagranicznych bojowników”, z których wielu jest obywatelami UE korzystającymi z prawa do swobodnego przemieszczania się), jest zdecydowana jeszcze bardziej wzmocnić kontrole granic zewnętrznych ...