The 100 largest recipients of Recovery and Resilience Facility funds
To protect the EU's financial interests and detect fraud, corruption and conflicts of interest, it is necessary to know who benefits from EU funds. However, publicly available data are currently fragmented and often incomplete, complicating the process of identifying the final beneficiaries of EU funding. The European Parliament and its Committee on Budgetary Control have consistently called for transparency in the allocation and use of EU funds. The ultimate goal is to enable the tracing of funds ...
Independence and transparency policies of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
This study has been commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, Directorate-General for Internal Policies at the request of the ENVI Committee. It analyses EFSA’s independence and transparency policies and examines how legislative provisions have been implemented by EFSA and whether rules and practices adopted by EFSA can be improved.
Plenary round-up – March I 2023
Among the highlights of the March I plenary session was a debate on the conclusions of the special European Council meeting of 9 February and the preparation of the European Council meeting of 23-24 March 2023, with Charles Michel, the President of the European Council. Members also debated the failure of the Silicon Valley Bank and its implications for European financial stability, a common EU response to save lives at sea, the need to ensure transparency and accountability in the light of alleged ...
Ochrona funduszy UE przed strukturami oligarchicznymi
Wieloletnie ramy finansowe (WRF) Unii Europejskiej na lata 2021–2027 oraz instrumenty odbudowy Next Generation EU zapewniają zasoby finansowe w wysokości 1,8 bln EUR. Jednak UE zdoła osiągnąć ambitne cele tych instrumentów budżetowych tylko dzięki lepszej ochronie swoich interesów finansowych. Komisja Kontroli Budżetowej Parlamentu (CONT) przyjęła sprawozdanie z własnej inicjatywy, w którym podkreśliła, że coraz większa obecność struktur oligarchicznych w UE w ostatnich latach stwarza ryzyko nadużyć ...
Study in focus: Robo-advisors
This document summarises the key findings of the orginal study which analyses if and to what extent the current EU legal framework provides effective investor protection for customers of robo-advisors. It puts emphasis on structural conflicts of interests, the difficulties presented by the supervision of algorithms, and potential threats to the stability of the financial system. This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request ...
This study analyses if and to what extent the current EU legal framework provides effective investor protection for customers of robo-advisors. It puts emphasis on structural conflicts of interests, the difficulties presented by the supervision of algorithms, and potential threats to the stability of the financial system. This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of the committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON ...
Responsible private funding of litigation
A responsible TPLF regulatory framework should aim at lowering costs, simplifying unnecessary procedures, increasing the predictability of costs, and delivering efficient services at costs that are proportionate to the amounts in dispute. We explored additional effective safeguards and a number of policy options regarding the contractual, ethical and procedural aspects of TPLF. We then estimated the European added value (EAV) for two alternatives, namely a moderate and a strong regulatory approach ...
Działalność Europejskiego Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich w 2019 r.
Na pierwszej sesji plenarnej w marcu 2021 r. Parlament Europejski ma omówić i przyjąć rezolucję w sprawie działalności Europejskiego Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich w 2019 r. w oparciu o sprawozdanie roczne Europejskiego Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich przedstawione 4 maja 2020 r. Sprawozdanie obejmuje ostatni rok pierwszej kadencji Emily O’Reilly na stanowisku Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich przed jej wyborem na drugą kadencję pod koniec grudnia 2019 r.
Special Advisers to the Commission (2014-2019)
This study proposes an overview of the selection of Special Advisers to the European Commission, specifically during the period 2014-2019: the procedure followed, number of contracts, safeguards, contractual terms, budgetary implications, transparency, communication with the European Parliament. A review of literature, good practices and criteria for assessing the European Commission framework is provided. In conclusion this study makes recommendations on how to further strengthen it.
The Effectiveness of Conflict of Interest Policies in the EU- Member States
This comparative study - commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs - analyses the effectiveness of relevant rules, policies and practices within Member States regarding conflict of interest for top political appointment (Head of Government, Ministers and other high ranking officials). The research highlights the theoretical and practical aspects of the notion of conflict of interest, giving some policy recommendations