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This briefing provides a legal assessment – under WTO and EU law - of three policy options for an EU carbon border adjustment mechanism. These options are, first, a carbon tax adjusted at the border; second, the inclusion of importers under the EU emission trading scheme; and, third, import tariffs on products from third countries that do not pursue climate policies in line with the Paris Agreement. In the first part of the briefing, these three policies are evaluated against the benchmark of vulnerability ...

Podatki pośrednie

Noty tematyczne o UE 01-11-2017

Do podatków pośrednich zalicza podatek od wartości dodanej (VAT) i podatki akcyzowe od alkoholu, tytoniu i energii. Wspólny system podatku VAT jest ogólnie stosowany do towarów i usług nabywanych i sprzedawanych do celów użytkowych i konsumpcyjnych w UE. Podatkami akcyzowymi okłada się sprzedaż lub użytkowanie pewnych produktów. W celu zapewnienia prawidłowego funkcjonowania rynku wewnętrznego działania legislacyjne UE zmierzają do koordynacji i ujednolicenia przepisów dotyczących podatku VAT oraz ...

There are increasing calls for the financial sector to contribute to the resolution of the financial crisis and to help prevent its repeat.

There are increasing calls for the financial sector to contribute to the resolution of the financial crisis. Although efforts to introduce a Financial Transaction Tax at global level have so far failed, a proposal to introduce an EU-wide tax was put forward in 2011.

This workshop aims to prepare the upcoming discussion on the European Commission's proposal for a new Energy Tax Directive (ETD; COM(2011)169) and the subsequent report of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON). It will explain background and aims of the proposal as well as possible economic and social impacts and implications for growth and competitiveness. Finally, in order to understand the practicalities of such a tax, the application of energy and CO2 taxes in Sweden are explained ...

This working document is an updated version of the study originally published in 1998 under the title 'Tax Competition in the European Union'. The General Introduction covers the recent history of tax policy within the European Union, and examines the current situation in the fields of Corporate Taxation, the Taxation of Savings, the Taxation of Labour and Indirect Taxation (VAT and excise duties). The second section - Taxes on Labour, on Income from Capital and on Corporations in the European Union ...

This study examines whether there is any evidence, for both 'direct' and 'indirect' taxes, that electronic commerce leads to tax base erosion and the establishment of business in tax havens. The briefing also looks at the impact that the growth of the Internet and electronic commerce may have on the collection of taxes. An analysis is made of the problems which make electronic commerce over the Internet so difficult to tax. This includes the internet's lack of physical location and central control ...