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On 9 January 2024, the Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget) endorsed the government's proposal to allow exploration for the possible extraction of seabed minerals on the Norwegian continental shelf. Extraction licences for businesses will require further parliamentary approval. The aim is to mine important critical raw materials that are increasingly needed for the green and digital transitions, and the defence and aerospace sector. However, these developments have raised concerns in the country and ...

EU energy partnerships: Norway

Briefing 27-09-2023

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, EU Member States have made serious efforts to reduce their dependence on Russian energy imports. To broaden the range of energy suppliers, the European Commission and the Member States' national governments have signed new agreements with non-EU countries and strengthened their pledges with existing partners. Norway is the world's fifth largest oil and third largest natural gas exporter, accounting for 2 % of global crude oil production and 3 % of global natural gas ...

Recent migration flows to the EU

W skrócie 03-06-2021

This infographic aims to present the latest available data on migrant flows to the EU in the year 2020. It covers the detection of illegal crossings on the EU's external borders and numbers of deaths of migrants on those crossings. This Infographic updates and complements previous editions, the most recent of which was issued in April 2020 (PE 649.329).

On 11 September 2017, Norwegian voters will be heading to the polls amid concern over weak growth, an increasingly assertive Russia, as well as the impact of Brexit on the country's economy.

Europejski Obszar Gospodarczy (EOG) powstał w 1994 r. w celu rozszerzenia przepisów UE dotyczących jej rynku wewnętrznego na państwa będące członkami Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Wolnego Handlu (EFTA). Członkami EOG są Norwegia, Islandia i Liechtenstein. Szwajcaria jest członkiem EFTA, ale nie przystąpiła do EOG. UE i jej partnerów w ramach EOG (Norwegię i Islandię) łączą też różnego rodzaju strategie polityczne na rzecz wymiaru północnego i fora, które skupiają się na tym szybko ewoluującym obszarze ...

Umowa UE-Norwegia dotycząca cieśniny Skagerrak, zezwalająca statkom rybackim z Danii, Norwegii i Szwecji na prowadzenie połowów na wodach każdej ze stron, została uaktualniona. Nowa umowa mająca na celu dostosowanie zarządzania rybołówstwem w cieśninie Skagerrak do międzynarodowych zasad jurysdykcji państwa nadbrzeżnego została podpisana w styczniu 2015 r. i jest stosowana tymczasowo do czasu jej wejścia w życie. Zawarcie powyższej umowy wymaga zgody Parlamentu.

The European Union has been increasing efforts to maintain gas supply security especially vis-à-vis its main gas supplier, Russia. In that context, Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries, serving either as gas suppliers (Azerbaijan) or transit/corridor countries (all the others except Armenia), have an undeniable role for the EU. Security of gas supply depends on close EU cooperation with its EaP partners and interconnections between them. There have been some welcome developments, such as the Southern ...

EU Arctic policy has evolved significantly in recent years, culminating in the April 2016 Joint Communication from the European Commission and the HRVP for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. The Communication focuses on the environment and climate change, sustainable development, and peaceful international cooperation, with overarching support for scientific research. This coincides with most of the priorities of the EU’s Arctic Member States, Denmark, Finland and Sweden. The Communication does ...

This study was commissioned and supervised by the European Parliament’s Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee. It addresses the potentials and challenges of the implementation of Internet voting in European Parliament elections. It considers the social, political, legal, and technological implications of its introduction as an alternative to on-paper ballot and builds on the recent experience of previous trials and successful e-enabled elections ...

EFTA states have built up a network of 26 preferential trade agreements (PTAs) with 37 partners, compared to more than 120 trade agreements concluded by the EU with more than 45 partners. There are substantial differences between EU and EFTA PTAs in terms of scope and ambition. EFTA agreements still focus on traditional areas of market access, while the post-1990 EU agreements are more elaborate, values-driven, political and comprehensive. As a bloc, the EU has more leverage when it negotiates ...