25-04-2023 13:30
EPRS online Book Talk: Women and leadership in the EU
Policy Roundtables and Book Talks

EPRS is pleased to welcome to its latest book talk Professor Henriette Müller and Professor Ingeborg Tömmel. They will talk about the book on 'Women and Leadership in the European Union' (OUP) which they edited in 2022.
The various chapters come together to present an in-depth analysis of female leadership in the EU. They assess how female leaders perform in their roles, and develop a new theoretical-analytical framework to analyse positional and behavioural leadership from the perspective of gender. The individual case studies in the book look at female representation and performance in EU institutions, and describe women's pathways to, and their exercise of power in, top-level functions. Against the backdrop of this analysis, the book draws conclusions on female leadership in the EU from a relational perspective on the position and behaviour of women and men.