Think Tank

Os documentos que ajudam a definir a nova legislação da UE
Economic Dialogue with the President of the Eurogroup
ECON on 19 February 2025 - Paschal Donohoe is attending his seventh Economic Dialogue in the ECON Committee since being elected as President of the Eurogroup in July 2020 and the first one during the 10th parliamentary term. His previous Economic Dialogue took place on 29 June 2023. This briefing covers the following issues: latest economic developments (Section 1); the 2025 Euro Area Recommendation (Section 2); Transparency of the work of the Eurogroup (Section 3) and Completing the EMU, with a ...
Economic Dialogue with the President of the ECOFIN - 19 February 2025
Andrzej Domański, Minister of Finance of Poland, is participating in the ECON Committee in his capacity of President of the ECOFIN Council during the Polish Presidency January - June 2025). In accordance with the Treaty of the Union, “Member States shall regard their economic policies as a matter of common concern and shall coordinate them within the Council”.
The role (and accountability) of the President of the Eurogroup
This briefing paper provides an overview of the role and mandate of the Eurogroup and the role and accountability of its President, including the procedures for his/her appointment. This paper includes the following sections: 1) The role of the Permanent President of the Eurogroup; 2) The President of Eurogroup and the European Parliament; 3) The role and mandate of the Eurogroup; and 4) Eurogroup transparency. The paper will be regularly updated.
AI factories
The EU has made significant progress towards trustworthy and ethical artificial intelligence that puts people first. In June 2024, the EU co-legislators signed the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), the first horizontal legislation regulating AI systems. The focus is now shifting to bolstering the EU's position in AI innovation. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has promised to establish AI factories within the first 100 days of her term. AI factories will give companies and researchers ...
India's Parliament and other political institutions
India is a pluralistic, multi-faith, multilingual (with 22 recognised languages), and multi-ethnic country. In April 2023 it overtook China as the world's most populous country (it had a population of 1.44 billion in 2024). India's 1950 Constitution provides for a quasi-federal set-up, with powers separated between the central union and the 28 state governments. Competences are distributed by administrative level – between the Union (the Centre), the states, or 'concurrently'. The Prime Minister ...
Futuros eventos

On February 17, from 15h15 to 17h15, IMCO will host a public hearing, in room SPINELLI 3G3, on the safety of products in the single market, focusing on e-commerce and imports from non-EU countries. The goal of this hearing is to gather input from the Commission, businesses, consumer groups, and national authorities.

In October 2023, the European Commission proposed the Migrant Smuggling Package, which includes a proposal for a Regulation on police cooperation and Europol support (Rapporteur Jeroen Lenaers, EPP) and a revision of the Facilitation Directive (Rapporteur Sippel, S&D). Notably, this package was introduced without an impact assessment.

On 18 February, LIBE Members will exchange on the topics of gender-based violence and the right to international protection of Afghan women and girls with representatives of the European Commission and the UNHCR Representation for EU Affairs.
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