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Programa PEACE para a Irlanda do Norte

Fichas temáticas sobre a UE 01-11-2017

O objetivo do programa PEACE da UE é apoiar a paz e a reconciliação e promover o progresso económico e social na Irlanda do Norte e na região fronteiriça da Irlanda.

Regiões ultraperiféricas (RUP)

Fichas temáticas sobre a UE 01-11-2017

Existem medidas específicas implementadas para apoiar o desenvolvimento das regiões mais remotas da União Europeia, conhecidas como as «regiões ultraperiféricas»: Guadalupe, Guiana Francesa, Reunião, Martinica, Maiote, São Martinho (França), Açores e Madeira (Portugal) e Ilhas Canárias (Espanha). Esse apoio destina-se a atenuar as limitações associadas à situação geográfica excecional destas regiões.

Fundo de Coesão

Fichas temáticas sobre a UE 01-11-2017

Instituído em 1994 pelo Regulamento (CE) n.º 1164/94 do Conselho, o Fundo de Coesão contribui financeiramente para a realização de projetos nos domínios do ambiente e das redes transeuropeias. O Fundo destina-se igualmente, desde 2007, a apoiar projetos no domínio do desenvolvimento sustentável, tais como a eficiência energética e as energias renováveis.

A presente nota foi elaborada com o objetivo de fornecer informações para a visita aos Açores (Portugal) de uma delegação da Comissão do Desenvolvimento Regional do Parlamento Europeu, entre 22 e 26 de maio de 2017, sendo as ilhas visitadas São Miguel e Terceira.

This in-depth analysis, requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on Regional Development (REGI), focuses on technical assistance (TA) activities at the initiative of the Commission (EC) (Article 58 of the Common Provision Regulation or CPR ) and aims to shed some light on the historical background of its principles and implementation, as well as on the current relationship with the management of TA activities when a Member State is facing temporary budgetary difficulties (Article 25 of the ...

This analysis is a contribution to the ongoing EP Implementation report on the Commission Communication on "Investing in jobs and growth - maximising the contribution of European Structural and Investment Funds", the so called “Article 16(3) report”. The main findings included in this paper are based on recently published studies commissioned by the EP REGI Committee.

A workshop on "Simplification in Cohesion Policy" was held during the meeting of the Committee on Regional Development on 16 March 2016. The debate addressed among others simplified cost options, e-cohesion, rules, guidance and audit processes. Experience gained in two Member States was also presented. This document includes a summary of the interventions and subsequent debate as well as the powerpoint presentations. The workshop formed part of a series of expertise on simplification provided ...

Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are essential to the economies of EU regions, both in terms of employment and competitiveness . In 2014, SMEs employed almost 90 million people and it has been estimated that for every km2 of land surface the EU has an average of 5 SMEs. Almost all SMEs (93%) are micro enterprises and employ less than 10 people and the majority of SMEs are active in the five following sectors: ‘wholesale and retail trade’, ‘manufacturing’, ‘construction’, ‘business services ...

For the 2014-2020 programming period the regulations encourage the usage of integrated and place-based oriented approaches to foster economic, social and territorial cohesion , at the same time putting a greater weight on urban development actions in order to attain the Europe 2020 Strategy goals. These territorial approaches can be implemented by using tools such as the Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) and the Community-Led Local Development (CLLD). The Partnership Agreements, between the ...

Commercial success and massive uptake of services provided by companies such as Uber trigger a number of questions for regulators both in the United States and in the European Union. The main question is if such web based applications or platforms merit their success solely to innovation or if their success is due to exploitation of loopholes in regulatory requirements. Citizens and consumer organisations question if regulatory responses to these innovative services are dictated by genuine concerns ...