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Access to quality education is essential for development: estimates suggest global poverty could drop by 12 % if all children in low income countries could read. The European Parliament has called for gender equality in education and for providing vulnerable groups special attention. The percentage of aid devoted to education has remained constant. While amounts increased between 2002 and 2010, they have begun to decline since. Global net enrolment for primary education grew from 83 % to 90 % between ...

O presente estudo aborda a escala e a natureza do abandono escolar precoce na União Europeia. Examina em pormenor a forma como os Estados-membros lidam com este problema e identifica características de políticas eficazes, produzindo um conjunto de recomendações destinadas aos agentes políticos e outros a nível europeu e nacional. O estudo baseia-se numa investigação profunda conduzida a nível nacional em nove Estados-membros, bem como na análise de bibliografia internacional e nacional.

This study aims to examine the implementation of the Beijing Platform by the European institutions. It has been drawn up within the framework of the European Parliament’s 2000 research programme, at the request of Parliament’s Committee on Women’s Rights and Equal Opportunities following the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing and its follow-up in New York in June 2000 (Beijing +5).