Evenimente trecute

EPRS event
Policy Roundtables and Book Talks EPRS

The Forum will take place at the European Parliament (Room Spinelli 1G2) on Thursday 3 October (15:00-18:00) and Friday 4 October (10:00-13:00). You can also join online via Interactio. In either case, please register by 30 September.

EPRS event on 3 October
Policy Roundtables and Book Talks EPRS

This event will be held in the Library of the European Parliament in Brussels, which is located on the fifth floor (5D) of the Spinelli building. The registration is over. If you have an access badge (official, not external) or an accreditation from the European Parliament, you can attend the event in the Library. You can also attend it live; no need to register; see the link below.

EPRS event on 1 October
Policy Roundtables and Book Talks EPRS

This event will be held in the Library of the European Parliament in Brussels, which is located on the fifth floor (5D) of the Spinelli building. The registration is over. If you have an access badge (official, not external) or an accreditation from the European Parliament, you can attend the event in the Library. You can also attend it live on Webex; no need to register; see the link below.

Eurojust logo
Alte evenimente LIBE

Mr Ladislav Hamran, the President of the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation since 2017, has presented to LIBE Committee Members the Agency, its role and current activities.

logo of the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA)
Alte evenimente LIBE

The LIBE Committee held an exchange of views with the Executive Director of the EU Drugs Agency (EUDA), Alexis Goosdeel, on the latest developments in the drug situation in Europe and the work performed by the Agency to improve preparedness at the EU and national level.

FISC exchange of views with Ms Laura Kövesi, European Chief Prosecutor from the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO)
Alte evenimente LIBE

Laura Kövesi, the Chief Prosecutor of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), engaged in discussions with members of the LIBE Committee.

Collage of four pictures representing aquaculture farm, fishing village, wind farm and a statue of Temide on the bottom of the sea
Alte evenimente PECH

On Monday 23 September during the PECH committee meeting the Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies presented a new study entitled "The EU oceans and fisheries policy - Latest developments and future challenges".

Director-General of the WTO
Alte evenimente INTA

A delegation of seven INTA Members will travel to Geneva to participate to the WTO Public Forum between 10 and 12 September. INTA Members will meet with Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the WTO to discuss the state of world trade and the prospects for trade policy in the aftermath of the 13th Ministerial Conference which took place earlier this year (MC13).


În conformitate cu articolul 193 din Regulamentul de procedură, o comisie poate organiza o audiere cu experți, atunci când acest lucru este considerat esențial pentru activitatea sa cu privire la o anumită chestiune. Audierile pot fi organizate și în comun, de două sau mai multe comisii. Majoritatea comisiilor organizează audieri regulate, deoarece acest lucru le permite să intre în contact cu experții și să aibă discuții cu privire la chestiunile-cheie. Această pagină vă pune la dispoziție toate informațiile disponibile privind audierile comisiilor, inclusiv programele, posterele și contribuțiile vorbitorilor.


Atelierele sunt organizate de departamentele tematice și de Unitatea de prospectivă științifică (STOA) și administrate în conformitate cu Regulamentul financiar. Acestea nu au loc neapărat în public, însă pot avea loc în cursul reuniunii unei comisii.

Mese rotunde despre politici și discuții despre cărți organizate de EPRS

Mese rotunde despre politici și discuții despre cărți organizate de EPRS

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