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Parlamentul European: Competențe

Fișe descriptive despre U.E. 18-04-2024

Afirmarea rolului instituțional al Parlamentului în procesul de elaborare a politicilor europene este rezultatul exercitării diferitelor funcții ale acestuia. Participarea sa la procesul legislativ, competențele sale bugetare și de control, implicarea sa în revizuirea tratatelor și dreptul de a interveni în fața Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene îi permit să asigure respectarea principiilor democratice la nivel european.

Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware (PEGA) was set up on 10 March 2022. Chaired by MEP Jeroen LENAERS, PEGA Committee investigated infringements and maladministration in application of EU law in relation to the use of Pegasus and equivalent spyware surveillance software. Spyware and other hacking techniques are critical threats to privacy, data protection and democracy in the EU. They serve oppressive agendas against journalists, political activists ...

This study presents an overview of how the issue of obstetric and gynaecological violence is currently being apprehended in the EU. Based on research carried out across the EU 27 Member States, it identifies issues and challenges; looks at the legal framework currently applicable to this form of violence; examines ongoing political and legal developments; and gathers initiatives carried out at the national level to improve understanding and prevention of this form of gender-based violence by healthcare ...

In December 2021, the European Commission presented a proposal to amend the Schengen Borders Code, which lays down the rules governing controls at the EU internal and external borders. While debates on the reform of Schengen have been going on for a while, recent challenges – relating to the coronavirus pandemic on the one hand, and attempts to instrumentalise migrants as a way to put pressure on the EU's external borders, on the other – have created new momentum for reform. The Commission's proposal ...

Since the introduction of Article 4(2) of the Treaty on European Union, the meaning and function of the notion of constitutional identity have become an important point of contention. This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee, examines what the concept of constitutional identity means and how it has been understood in various EU Member States. It assesses the impact of this concept on ...

Curtea de Conturi

Fișe descriptive despre U.E. 27-03-2024

Curtea de Conturi Europeană (CCE) răspunde de controlul finanțelor UE. În calitate de auditor extern al Uniunii Europene, aceasta contribuie la îmbunătățirea gestiunii financiare a UE și joacă rolul de gardian independent al intereselor financiare ale cetățenilor Uniunii.

Procedurile decizionale interguvernamentale

Fișe descriptive despre U.E. 26-03-2024

În domeniul politicii externe și de securitate comune (PESC), precum și într-o serie de alte domenii, cum ar fi cooperarea consolidată, numirile în anumite funcții și revizuirea tratatelor, procedura de luare a Deciziilor este diferită de cea aplicată în mod obișnuit în cadrul procedurii legislative ordinare. Caracteristica predominantă în aceste domenii o constituie rolul mai proeminent al cooperării interguvernamentale. Dificultățile generate de criza datoriilor suverane au dus la utilizarea mai ...

Principiul subsidiarității

Fișe descriptive despre U.E. 26-03-2024

În cadrul competențelor neexclusive ale Uniunii, principiul subsidiarității, înscris în Tratatul privind Uniunea Europeană, definește condițiile în care Uniunea are prioritate de acțiune în raport cu statele membre.

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PETI Committee, analyses the impact of digitalization on vulnerable social groups in terms of lower income and education, age, people affected by disabilities, minority ethnic groups and people living in remote/isolated geographic areas. It includes a review of the relevant academic literature, secondary data analysis, as well as three case studies focused ...

In July 2021, the European Commission tabled a proposal to establish a new EU authority to counter money laundering and the financing of terrorism (AMLA). This was part of a legislative package aimed at implementing the 2020 action plan for a comprehensive Union policy on preventing money laundering and the financing of terrorism. The AMLA would be the centre of an integrated system, composed of the authority itself and national authorities with an AML/CFT supervisory mandate. It would also support ...