Think Tank
Dokumenty, ktoré pomáhajú pri vytváraní nových právnych predpisov EÚ
Parliament's right of legislative initiative
The European Commission has a near monopoly on legislative initiative in the European Union (EU), with special initiative rights for other institutions applying only in certain specific cases. However, the European Parliament and the Council may invite the Commission to submit legislative proposals. While this 'indirect' initiative right does not create an obligation on the Commission to propose the legislation requested, the Treaty of Lisbon codified the Commission's obligation to provide reasons ...
International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2025: 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz
It is now 80 years since the liberation of Nazi Germany's concentration and extermination camp, Auschwitz Birkenau, in Poland. A major commemoration event is taking place at the former camp on International Holocaust Remembrance Day; it will be attended by numerous Heads of State or Government, and other dignitaries, in a context of growing antisemitism across Europe.
Fishing outside the European Union: The external dimension of the common fisheries policy
The external dimension of the EU's common fisheries policy provides a framework for the activities of EU vessels fishing beyond European waters and is structured around two types of arrangement: multilateral agreements for fishing on the high seas, and bilateral agreements with third countries for fishing in areas under their jurisdiction. This analysis reviews the main aspects of the external dimension and its evolution over time.
Monitoring the implementation of EU law: tools and challenges - Update
This study was commissioned by the European Parliament's Policy Department for Citizens, Equality and Culture at the request of the Committee on Petitions (PETI). It updates the study published in 2017, offering information on the key actors responsible for implementing and enforcing EU law. It also examines recent trends in the transposition and application of EU legislation across various policy areas, based on the latest available information. The study outlines the evolution of the EU Enforcement ...
Parliaments in the EU enlargement process: Strengthening capacities of accession country parliaments under the evolving enlargement methodology
This study explores the role and enhancement of parliamentary capacities in the European Union (EU) enlargement process, focusing on the EU’s evolving accession methodology and its emphasis on the ‘fundamentals’ approach. It examines the European Commission’s criteria for ‘functioning democratic institutions’ in accession countries and evaluates the effectiveness of support measures from EU institutions, Member States, and international organisations. Based on desk research, mapping, and over 90 ...
Nadchádzajúce podujatia
On Tuesday, 28 January 2025, the FEMM Committee will hold a hearing on “Social media and the consequences on young girls’ mental health”.
On Tuesday, 28 January 2025, the Committee on Fisheries will hold a public hearing entitled “Fisheries relations with Norway". This public hearing aims to get a closer look at the current situation in terms of agreements in force and ongoing disputes between the EU and Norway.
Upcoming Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on “Strengthening cooperation for a timely and correct enforcement of EU law benefiting EU citizens” (PETI ICM), 28 January 2025, Brussels, from 15.00 to 18.30 in the European Parliament in Brussels (Room Antall 6Q2), in physical presence only.
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