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The problem definition in the impact assessment (IA) appears to be well-supported by evidence. The description of the policy options is balanced, albeit sometimes lacking in detail. The assessment of the options' impacts (economic, social and environmental) is mainly qualitative, with only limited quantified estimates of costs and benefits. Data limitations and uncertainties could have been described in more detail. The IA consistently presents the stakeholders' views on the problems, their drivers ...

Land use, land-use change and forestry

V stručnosti 30-11-2023

The revision of the Land Use, Land-use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) Regulation effectively increases reduction in overall net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2030 to 57 %, from the 55 % required by the European Climate Law. This is thanks to an EU target for carbon dioxide removals in the LULUCF sector.

The proposal to revise the regulation on land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) was included in the European Commission's 'fit for 55' package. LULUCF carbon sink functions are a key part of the EU's carbon neutrality pathway. On 11 November 2022, the European Parliament and the Council reached a trilogue agreement on the proposal. The agreed text is due to be voted during Parliament's March I 2023 plenary session.

Európska únia a lesy

Informačné listy o EÚ 01-06-2017

Európska únia (EÚ) nemá žiadnu spoločnú politiku v oblasti lesného hospodárstva. Mnohé z politík a iniciatív Únie však majú na lesy určitý vplyv, a to nielen na území EÚ, ale aj v tretích krajinách.

A new impulse for EU forests

V stručnosti 20-04-2015

Forests are a valuable asset, serving economic, social and environmental purposes. Forests and wooded land cover over 40% of European Union territory, and represent 5% of the world's forests. The EU is one of the biggest traders and consumers of wood products in the world. In September 2013, the European Commission presented a renewed Forest Strategy to improve the coherence of forest-related measures and allow synergies with other sectors that influence forest management.

Forests and other wooded land cover over 40% of the land area in the European Union (EU). The forests in the EU belong to many different bioclimatic zones and have adapted to a variety of natural conditions. About 60% of the wooded land in the EU is privately owned. Expansion of the EU’s forest area currently exceeds the loss of forest land. This positive development sets the EU apart from the rest of the world, where deforestation continues to reduce forest area.