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Adding to a succession of coups in the Sahel region, the 26 July ousting of Niger's democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum is already having major consequences in the region and for the credibility of the African Union and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). It also challenges the security architecture that the European Union (EU), France, other EU Member States, such as Germany and Italy, and the United States sought to build in the Sahel to fight terrorism. Jihadist attacks ...

V tejto štúdii, ktorú na žiadosť výboru LIBE zadala tematická sekcia Európskeho parlamentu pre práva občanov a ústavné veci, sa skúma prístup EÚ k migrácii v Stredozemí, ktorý zahŕňa vývoj od utečeneckej krízy po pandémiu COVID-19, pričom sa posudzuje vplyv týchto udalostí na navrhovanie, vykonávanie a reformu politiky EÚ v oblasti azylu, migrácie a kontroly vonkajších hraníc. Súčasťou štúdie je preskúmanie súčasného stavu príslušných právnych predpisov EÚ a ich vykonávania, posúdenie situácie ...

This in-depth analysis focuses on the human rights implications of EU external migration policy interventions: (1) identifying human rights obligations owed to third-country nationals when engaging in cooperation with third countries and non-EU actors; (2) assessing the means and level of compliance with these obligations when designing and implementing the main policy instruments; and (3) determining the existence and adequacy of operational, reporting, monitoring and accountability mechanisms available ...

The latest developments resulting from the terrorist actions of Boko Haram in the Lake Chad region have led the African Union's Peace and Security Council to adopt a formal framework to make the multinational joint task force operational. It is expected that the UN Security Council will also back this initiative.

Reports on the negative health and environmental effects of open pit uranium mining activities by European companies in Gabon and Niger have prompted a media and public critical reaction. This study looks at mining practices in two pits in these countries. Available secondary sources are thoroughly reviewed and complemented with a field visit to Gabon despite the technical and practical difficulty of reaching the areas where the activity takes place. The assessment indicates that substantial problems ...