
Rezultati iskanja

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The performance and quality of higher education has become a vital sign of a country’s capacity to foster its future economic development. The race for talent is currently open on a global scale. In spite of the fact that the United States is still the global leader with 17% of international students, the EU is increasingly popular with the United Kingdom, France and Germany accounting respectively for 13%, 6%, and 6% of world students. One of the elements accounting for the global attraction of ...

Študija obravnava sisteme za sprejem v visokošolsko izobraževanje v desetih državah in vključuje države članice Evropske unije (Francijo, Nemčijo, Italijo, Slovenijo, Švedsko in Združeno kraljestvo), državo kandidatko (Turčijo) ter tri države, ki se običajno navajajo v mednarodnih primerjavah (Avstralijo, Japonsko in ZDA). Analiza sistemov za sprejem temelji na treh merilih: enakih možnostih, kakovosti in mobilnosti študentov.