
Rezultati iskanja

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This study, provided by the Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Petitions, aims to provide a clear and simple overview to the non-expert reader, on the Impact of aircrafts noise pollution on residents of large cities, as well as to give recommendations addressed to the most relevant actors. Noise is one of the most important problems linked to aviation. It can lead to health issues, as well as to negative social and economic effects ...

As consumers embark on the annual Christmas shopping spree they should be aware of the potential health or safety hazards for children that may be concealed in dangerous toys on the market. Toy safety is vital for consumers' trust in the European Union's toy industry – which currently generates about €5.8 billion per year. To protect children, the EU has the highest safety requirements worldwide, especially regarding the use of chemical substances. As a result, dangerous toys account for around 25% ...

Sound level of motor vehicles

Na kratko 31-01-2013

Traffic noise has impacts on citizens' health and well-being. The European Commission therefore proposed a Regulation which aims to reduce the noise emissions of motor vehicles by about 25%. The EP's ENVI Environment Committee voted to amendments to the proposed noise limits, and calls for mandatory noise labelling of vehicles as well as a systematic assessment of road surfaces.

This report summarises the presentations and discussions at the Workshop on the Sound level of motor vehicles, held on 11 April 2012. The aim of the workshop was to allow an exchange of views between the European Commission, MEPs and stakeholders of the motor vehicle industry, transport and environment NGOs, and academia. Topics for discussion included the impacts of the Commission legislative proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on the sound level of motor vehicles ...

Hrupu železniškega prometa je čez dan izpostavljenih 12 milijonov prebivalcev EU, ponoči pa 9 milijonov. Ta študija navaja ukrepe, financiranje in zakonodajo za njegovo zmanjšanje. Z uvedbo sodobnih tirnih vozil se bo hrup najbolj zmanjšal. Kratkoročno je najbolj pomembno pri tovornih vagonih zamenjati litoželezne zavornjake s takimi iz kompozitnih materialov. Bistvo strategije za zmanjšanje hrupa železniškega prometa je oblikovanje regulativne sheme za postopen prehod na nizkohrupna tirna vozila ...

The study provides an assessment of the impacts of the proposal for a Regulation concerning type approval requirements for the general safety of motor vehicles (COM(2008)316 – 2007/0243(COD). The report analyses Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS), Low Rolling Resistance (TLRR) and Tyre Wet Grip (TWG) requirements focusing on financial implication for manufacturers, repercussions on consumer retail prices, expected road safety benefits (casualty reductions, and other indirect benefits e.g. healthcare ...