How Parliament is run
Meet the chairs of Parliament's committees
Committees are the powerhouses of the European Parliament’s legislative work. Find out who heads them up.
How the EU works
What do the EU institutions do? (infographic)
What does the Parliament do, what are the European Commission's responsibilities? What is the Council of the EU? Find out from our infographic.
How the EU works
Questions about the European Parliament? We have answers
Want to know how the European Parliament is supporting Ukraine, tackling climate change and fighting disinformation, or maybe you have a question about how it works?
What is Erasmus+? (video)
Find out more about Erasmus+, the EU's flagship programme that supports education, training, sport and young people.
All topics (20)
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Gender equality
Women in the European Parliament (infographics)
How the EU works
What do the EU institutions do? (infographic)
How Parliament is run
Facts and figures: the European Parliament's 2024-2029 term
How Parliament is run
Who's who: overview of MEPs in key posts
Travelling with pets: rules to keep in mind
How the EU works
‘Parliament 2024’: ambitious reforms to strengthen European democracy
Climate change
Green Deal: key to a climate-neutral and sustainable EU
European Health Insurance Card: keeping you safe abroad
How the EU works
Questions about the European Parliament? We have answers
How the EU works
Digital Journey: take a virtual tour of the European Parliament
Splish, splash! Swimming safely in European waters this summer
Consumer rights
Roam like at home: no roaming charges for travel in EU
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EU AI Act: first regulation on artificial intelligence
The use of artificial intelligence in the EU will be regulated by the AI Act, the world’s first comprehensive AI law. Find out how it will protect you.