European Parliament
ARCHIVE This page is no longer updated. Please consult the E-Studies database for the catalogue and full texts of working papers produced by the European Parliament's Directorate-General for Research |
Latest issue: June 2000
Last update: July 2000
W11 | Temporary protection - the case of formerYugoslavia |
April 1997 - EN | |
The conflict in the former Yugoslavia, which has produced over 2 million refugees and displaced persons, brought specific practices in the field of protection of refugees within the Member States. Description of the various situations and standards of protection. |
W10 | Sects in Europe |
March 1997- All languages | |
Report of a meeting held jointly by the Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs of the European Parliament and the equivalent committees in the parliaments of the Member States on the situation with regard to sects in each of the countries of the Union. |
W9 | Migration and Asylum in Central and Eastern Europe |
February 1997 - All languages | |
Following the fall of the Berlin Wall and the upheavals in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, data on population movements have changed completely. What does this new situation look like? How did these movements occur? What problems are being faced in these ten associated countries of the Union? |
W7 | Asylum in the European Union: The Safe country of origin principle |
February 1997 - All languages | |
Analysis of the policies of the Member States of the Union with regard to the application of the principle of safe countries; which operational tools are used and which practices? What are the views of the NGOs such as Amnesty International or ECRE? What is the view of the UNHCR? What is the position of the European institutions in the light of this new concept? |
W6 | European Ombudsman/National Ombudsmen or similar Organs - Comparative Tables |
January 1995 - EN/FR | |
This brochure uses comparative and diagrammatic tables to present an overview of all the main institutional and functional characteristics of national ombudsmen (or similar bodies, such as the regional ombudsmen or parliamentary committees on petitions) in the Member States and in Norway - and the European Ombudsman. |