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Jul 25, 2000
The Future of young farmers in the EU

Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development Series, Working Paper AGRI 134 EN - 04/2000

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Jun 19, 2000
Les coûts de main-d'oeuvre et la politique salariale dans l'UEM

Série Affaires Economiques, Working Paper ECON 111 FR - 03/1999

L'évolution sur le marché de travail peut jouer un rôle capital, à lon terme, de l'UEM. Cette étude analyse la convergence nominale réelle des salaires, la part des salaires dans le revenu national, les coûts salariaux dans leur ensemble et les évolutions régionales et tire plusieurs conclusions quant à l'impact de l'Union monétaire sur ces aspects.

Feb 29, 2000
The Euro as "Parallel Currency" 1999-2002

Economic Affairs Series, Working Paper ECON 114 EN - 04/1999

Although the third stage of EMU began on 1 January 1999, euro-denominated notes and coins will not start circulating until 2002; and national currency may continue circulating until July of that year. As a result, the euro may meanwhile be described as a parallel currency, which can be used on a no prohibition, no compulsion basis. This study examines the consequences for firms, public authorities and citizens; and the preparations for introducing the euro notes and coins. It also looks at the impact of the euro on the "out" countries of the EU, and in the wider world.

Feb 22, 2000
Fundamental social rights in Europe

Social Affairs Series, Working Paper SOCI 104 - 11/1999

Full text in PDF :    DE           FR

Feb 21, 2000
Sustainable rural development : Initial situation, measures and recommendations for the fifth enlargement of the European Union

Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development Series, AGRI 114/A - 11/1999

In view of pre-accession aid and more specifically the Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development this study analyses the situation and existing measures for sustainable rural development in Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia and the Czech Republic and indicates options for the EU's agricultural and structural policies within the framework of the EU's fifth enlargement

AGRI 114/A DE :    DE         AGRI 114/A FR :    FR

Vers une politique européenne des montagnes

Série Agriculture, Forêts et Développement Rural, Document de Travail AGRI 111 A FR - 07/1999

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Feb 17, 2000
Glossaire de la politique commune de la pêche (PCP)

Série Pêche, Document de Travail FISH 105 FR - 10/1999

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La politique agricole commune et l'Euro

Série Agriculture, Forêts et Développement Rural, Document de Travail AGRI 105 A FR - 11/1999

Public and Private Investment in the European Union

Economic Affairs Series, Working Paper ECON 113 EN - 04/1999

It is generally agreed that economic growth and the level of investment are linked: but how? Using growth models, this study assessses the extent to which investment, both private and public, can contribute to growth and employement. It also examines the role of investment quality in inducing product and labour market reforms.

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Feb 16, 2000
The protection of European Union citizens' financial interests

Civil Liberties Series, Working Paper LIBE 105 EN - 11/1999

LIBE 105 FR :    FR

Feb 14, 2000
Creating partnerships for pre-accession (Estonia and Sweden)

Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development Series, Working Paper AGRI 132 EN - 12/1999

Creating partnerships for pre-accession (Estonia and Sweden)

Options for the Exchange Rate Management of the ECB

Economic Affairs Series, Working Paper ECON 115 - 09/1999

The European Central Bank has hitherto paid little attention to exchange rate policy, maintaining that its job to is to support the internal, not external, value of the €. But the fall in the € parity below a $ has brought signs of a change. This study by Prof. Bofinger of Würzburg University examines the options and difficulties involved in any policy for managing the € exchange rate. He concludes that an internationally-agreed policy of preventing appreciations, through sterilised intervention, might be the answer.

Feb 10, 2000
The social consequences of changes in VAT

Economic Affairs Series, Working Paper ECON 103 EN - 05/1998

Taking the Dutch model as a basis, this study examines three different scenarios of consequences for employment of the change in the VAT rate. It outlines the consequences at Union level. This comprehensive analysis is supplemented by graphics, a large bibliography and statistical data.

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Feb 7, 2000
Cultural industries and employment in the countries of the European Union / Les industries culturelles et l'emploi dans les pays de l'Union européenne

Education and Culture Series, Working Paper EDUC 104A XX - 06/1999
Summary only (in all languages). Full text (French original) available only in hardcopy

L'étude analyse l'état d'avancement du développement des industries culturelles, afin de mettre en évidence le lien positif existant entre culture et développement socio- économique dans l'Europe des quinze. L'objectif spécifique est de découvrir les potentialités, à la fois au niveau de la société que de la création d'emplois. Le secteur culturel est en mesure à la fois de devenir une source d'identité européenne et de lancer les activités innovatrices qui sont source d'emplois.

EMU and Enlargement a review of policy issues

Economic Affairs Series, Working Paper ECON 117 EN - 12/1999
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Feb 4, 2000
Forecasting budgetary deficits

Economic Affairs Series, Working Paper ECON 109 EN - 04/1999

Under the Stability and Growth Pact, countries in the Euro-area are required to balance their budgets over the economic cycle, with an upper deficit limit of 3%. Will this be possible? This study examines the sensitivity of different countries revenues and expenditures to changes in economic conditions, including a worst-case «bust» scenario.

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Monetary Policy Transmission in the Euro Area

Economic Affairs Series, Working Paper ECON 110 EN - 04/1999

The Euro-area now has a single monetary policy, administered by the European Central Bank. The success of such a «one policy fits all» system depends in part on the mechanisms by which decisions on interest rates, etc. affect the real economy. This study examines various differences between countries in the fields of banking, financial markets and housing finance, and makes suggestions for action.

Options for the Exchange Rate Management of the ECB

Economic Affairs Series, Working Paper ECON 115 - 09/1999

The European Central Bank has hitherto paid little attention to exchange rate policy, maintaining that its job to is to support the internal, not external, value of the €. But the fall in the € parity below a $ has brought signs of a change. This study by Prof. Bofinger of Würzburg University examines the options and difficulties involved in any policy for managing the € exchange rate. He concludes that an internationally-agreed policy of preventing appreciations, through sterilised intervention, might be the answer.

The Determination of Interest Rates

Economic Affairs Series, Working Paper ECON 116 EN - 11/1999

Everyone believes that they know what an interest rate is. This study, however, examines some of the theoretical and practical complexities: the differences between interest, rent and profit; between nominal and real rates; between long and short rates; and how these interact. It looks, in particular, at how changes in short-term rates feed through into financial markets; and how the level of long-term rates influences the real economy. Finally, it examines the development of rates in the € area since the beginning of 1999, and the conduct of monetary policy by the European Central Bank.

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The monetary policy of the ECB under Treaty Article 105

Economic Affairs Series, Working Paper ECON 112 - 04/1999

Now that the Euro-has been successfully launched «the time has come for a more comprehensive analysis of the ECB’s monetary policy». Prof. Dr. Bofinger of Würzburg University examines the ECB’s task of supporting the general economic policy of the EU; criticises the use of money-supply targets; and suggests improvements, in particular a «transparent inflation target».

Feb 3, 2000
(Co-)Governing after Maastricht: The European Parliament's institutional performance 1994-1999

Political Series, Working Paper POLI 104/rev. EN - 10/1999
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The Feasibility of an International 'Tobin Tax'

Economic Affairs Series, Working Paper ECON 107 EN - 03/1999

In 1992 Nobel Prize-winning economist James Tobin suggested a tax on currency operations «to throw some sand in the wheels of speculation». Interest in the proposal has now been re-kindled as governments search for «a new international financial architecture». A Tobin Tax would penalise short-term speculation, while leaving long-term investment relatively unaffected. But there are doubts as to whether it could ever be put into effective practice. The tax has an additional attraction, however: it could raise very large sums for development, humanitarian aid, international peace-keeping and operations to stabilise world financial markets.

Jan 12, 2000
Labour Costs and Wage Policy within EMU

Economic Affairs Series, Working Paper ECON 111 EN - 03/1999

Developments in the labour market are perhaps crucial to the long-term success of EMU. This study analyses nominal and real wage convergence, the share of wages in national income, wage costs as a whole, and regional developments; and reaches a number of conclusions about the way in which these will be affected by monetary union.

Jan 11, 2000
Glossary of the common agricultural policy and the Agenda 2000 reform

Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development Series, Working Paper AGRI 118 EN - 06/1999

Trade Relations between the European Union and Latin America

Statistics Series, Working Paper STAT 100 EN - 05/1999

Trade relations between the EU and Latin America are analysed statistically as well as the external debt situation of the individual Latin American countries. Basic statistical data is shown and compared with the EU and USA.

Dec 17, 1999
European Parliament Fact Sheets on the European Union

Updated edition now available in all languages

Dec 1, 1999
Towards a Re-Orientation of National Energy Policies in the EU? - Germany as a Case Study

Energy and Research Series, Working Paper ENER 110 EN - 11/1999

The aim of this study is to accumulate background material for future initiatives of the European Parliament towards a taxation policy with objectives in the energy and environmental sectors. The study seeks to give a brief summary of the extent to which tax policy could play a greater role in the Community's future strategy in the area of energy and environmental policy.
Executive summary:   DE   FR

Nov 19, 1999
Monetary policy transmission in the Euro Area

Economic Affairs Series, Working Paper ECON 110a XX
Summary and Conclusions (Multilingual abridged edition)

The Euro-area now has a single monetary policy, administered by the European Central Bank. The success of such a 'one policy fits all' system depends in part on the mechanisms by which decisions on interest rates, etc. affect the real economy. This study examines various differences between countries in the fields of banking, financial markets and housing finance, and makes suggestions for action.

Nov 18, 1999
Growth and Patterns of Self-Employment in the EU Member States

Social Affairs Series, Working Paper SOCI 101 EN - 11/1998

The report provides a broad overview of developments in recent years around self-employment in the EU Member States with specific focus on Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
Abridged edition in all languages SOCI 101a

Impact of the work of the European Parliament and its Committee on Employment and Social Affairs on the Communities' social legislation

Social Affairs Series, Working Paper SOCI 103 EN - 07/1999

This study analyses the impact of the European Parliament on the social policy aspects of the Treaty of Amsterdam, on the Luxembourg European Council on Employment and on each of the twenty-three legislative acts concerning social policy adopted by the Council between September 1994 and December 1998. Each piece of legislation is evaluated separately, by analysing the Commission's and the Council's reaction to Parliament's amendments. It also considers the impact of Parliament's five own-initiative reports on social policy.
Summary in all languages SOCI 103a

Institutions and bodies responsible for equality between men and women

Women's Rights Series, Working Paper FEMM 107 EN - 10/1999

This guide aims to provide a survey of the institutions and bodies responsible for promoting equal opportunities for men and women in the Member States of the European Union, the European Institutions, the Council of Europe and the United Nations. It also includes some organisations representing women in Europe and worldwide.
FEMM 107 FR    FR

Prudential supervision in the context of EMU

Economic Affairs Series, Working Paper ECON 102 rev.1 - 03/1999

Full economic and monetary union will test Europe's systems for supervising financial institutions. In some countries the Central Banks are responsible for both monetary policy and supervision; in others, the tasks are separated; while EU- level supervision is based on "home country control". This study examines the likely future development of financial markets, and whether the existing regulatory framework will be adequate.

Nov 16, 1999
(Co-)Governing after Maastricht: The European Parliament's institutional performance 1994-1998

Political Series, Working Paper POLI 104 EN - 01/1999

The study assesses the institutional performances of the European Parliament during the period between the coming into force of the Maastricht treaty and summer 1998. On the basis of the statistical and quantitative approach, it proves the time-effectiveness of Parliament's legislative work under the co-decision procedure and demonstrates the role of Parliament as a true co-legislator. It also shows the impact of Parliament's control function and its role in the procedure of appointment of Members of other institutions.
Executive summary:   FR

Nov 15, 1999
Freedom, Security, Justice: An Agenda for Europe

Civil Liberties Series, Working Paper LIBE 106 EN - 10/1999

Proceedings of a public hearing organized by the Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (24/25.3.1999)
LIBE 106 FR :    FR

The monetary policy of the ECB under Treaty Article 105

Economic Affairs Series, Working Paper ECON 112a XX - 04/1999
Summary and Conclusions (Multilingual abridged edition)

Now that the Euro-has been successfully launched «the time has come for a more comprehensive analysis of the ECB’s monetary policy». Prof. Dr. Bofinger of Würzburg University examines the ECB’s task of supporting the general economic policy of the EU; criticises the use of money-supply targets; and suggests improvements, in particular a «transparent inflation target».

Nov 12, 1999
European Union Health Policy on the eve of the Millenium

Public Health & Consumer Protection Series, Working Paper SACO 102 EN - 09/1998

This study was commissioned by the Committee on Environment, Consumers and Health and presented at the Public Hearing on Health in October 1998. It has been used as a base document for the report on health policy.
Summary in all languages SACO 102a XX


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