 Vollständiger Text 
Verfahren : 2016/2309(INI)
Werdegang im Plenum
Entwicklungsstadium in Bezug auf das Dokument : A8-0050/2017

Eingereichte Texte :


Aussprachen :

PV 15/03/2017 - 18
CRE 15/03/2017 - 18

Abstimmungen :

PV 16/03/2017 - 6.9
Erklärungen zur Abstimmung

Angenommene Texte :


Ausführliche Sitzungsberichte
Mittwoch, 15. März 2017 - Straßburg Überprüfte Ausgabe

18. Bericht 2016 über Montenegro (Aussprache)
Video der Beiträge

  Die Präsidentin. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über den Bericht von Charles Tannock im Namen des Ausschusses für auswärtige Angelegenheiten über den Bericht 2016 der Kommission über Montenegro (2016/2309(INI)) (A8-0050/2017).


  Charles Tannock, rapporteur. – Madam President, this June will mark five years since Montenegro began accession negotiations. Having now opened 26 of the 33 chapters, with two of these provisionally closed already, the country’s strong progress as an EU candidate is clear to all. In the key areas of chapters 23 and 24 concerning justice and home affairs, genuine reform by the government of Montenegro in these areas is evident. Of course tackling organised crime and corruption remains a priority, but it is important we recognise that at the political level reforms have been implemented, and so it is now the time to give the support that is needed for these changes to take root.

Last year was an important one for Montenegro. Parliamentary elections took place in October. There has been a change of prime minister – I was delighted to meet the new prime minister Marković earlier this year in Brussels – and the accession protocol to join NATO was signed. The elections were held under a new regulatory framework with individual voter registration and an electronic identification system in place. A government of electoral trust was formed in the few months preceding the election, which saw opposition parties in charge of over a dozen state organisations and several ministries, to ensure a level playing field before the election.

This followed concerns from some members of the opposition parties about the possibility of undue influence from the governing parties who could abuse or use administrative resources of the state. I believe that the solution was a pragmatic one, a fair one, and welcomed by all, and I was particularly pleased to see this resolved internally within Montenegro. International observers of the elections reported them to be free and fair, with fundamental freedoms generally respected by all. I am aware that there were some concerns about the closure of certain social media platforms on the day of the election, but this must be seen in the wider context of the allegations of a coup and assassination attempt against the then prime minister Đukanović and a backdrop of attempts to influence events by external parties. Indeed the closures in question were implemented by the Agency for Electronic Communication and lasted for a mere hour and a half.

With regard to the planned coup and assassination, judicial investigations continue, but there is a growing consensus amongst both the Montenegrin authorities and EU governments that the planned attack on the then prime minister was a real and credible threat. I remain deeply concerned about the situation and I believe that it is illustrative of the growing presence that Russia is seeking on the ground to exert on Montenegro, and other countries for that matter in the Western Balkans region. Intelligence linking Eduard Shishmakov, a Russian national and a known GRU agent, to the plot, supports claims of Russian participation. It is clear that there is an attempt now to prevent Montenegrin accession to NATO in May, and also to disrupt its EU trajectory.

It is for this reason that it is more important than ever for all the political parties to engage fully and properly in the parliamentary democratic process. The continued boycott of the parliament by the opposition is therefore very disappointing to friends of Montenegro, and extremely damaging to the long-term credibility of Montenegro’s democratic processes and institutions. I am increasingly concerned by the motives of some regarding the parliamentary boycott, and I now call from this House on all of those taking part in the boycott to consider the effects of their actions and the forces that they are helping to legitimise by their continued participation in not going to parliament.

As Montenegro now seeks to join NATO later this year, I think it is key that we in this House demonstrate our support for that decision. NATO and the EU are of course two very separate institutions, but from the perspective of Montenegro the two together represent a Euro-Atlanticist pivot. For reasons discussed earlier in my speech it is an important time now to support that agenda and I hope that when we all vote tomorrow we will all feel minded to support the text as it is currently present in the resolution.

I have always described Montenegro, for the last seven years as the standing rapporteur, as a good news story of the Western Balkans, and I believe that this is still the case today. At the moment, however, we are hearing less and less good news stories from other countries in the region. I therefore welcome the recent visit of the High Representative Federica Mogherini to the region and wholeheartedly support her message that the door remains open to all countries of the Western Balkans towards EU membership. It is vital that we ensure this message gets across. Montenegro has shown how this can work, and I hope this will continue to be so for itself and all its neighbours.


  Die Präsidentin. – Bevor ich Herrn Minister Borg das Wort gebe, möchte ich mein Verständnis dafür ausdrücken, dass Sie etwas verfrüht werden gehen müssen, weil Sie Ihr Flugzeug erreichen müssen. Ich bin sicher, dass Sie auf jeden Fall die Debatte noch im Internet nachhören werden und auch wissen, wie das Europäische Parlament zu dieser wichtigen Frage steht.


  Ian Borg, President-in-Office of the Council. – Madam President, it is a great pleasure to be with you once again. You have been here all day since 9.00 in the morning, not least to discuss the 2016 report on Montenegro. As you know, the Western Balkans featured on the agenda of the Foreign Affairs Council and the European Council last week, and on both occasions Member States reconfirmed the European Union’s engagement with the region, including through deepening political and the economic ties.

Last week the European Council conclusions clearly reaffirmed the unequivocal support for the European perspective of the Western Balkans. In this spirit, the Presidency is committed to advancing the enlargement process in full respect of the basic principles of conditionality and on merit.

Montenegro remains the frontrunner in the accession process and it made further progress last year. We welcome, in particular, the latest accession conference of 13 December, where it was possible to open two further negotiating chapters: Chapter 11 on Agriculture and Rural Development and Chapter 19 on Social Policy and Employment. With a view to advancing negotiations, the Council continues to pay close attention to Montenegro’s progress in the rule of law, which, as per the negotiating framework, determines the overall pace of Montenegro’s negotiation process.

As the report rightly points out, the legal framework and institutional set-up in this area are largely complete. Progress has been registered, but further implementation remains key, building on the results achieved so far and also leading to a strengthened and sustainable track record, in particular in the fight against corruption and organised crime.

The need for a continued focus on fundamental reforms is also something clearly expressed in your draft resolution and in the Commission’s report. They spell out important challenges for Montenegro to ensure freedom of expression and media freedom, to pursue public administration reform, and to strengthen the independence of institutions. On the economic side, Montenegro needs to take measures to ensure fiscal sustainability, to control public, and to improve the trade balance and the business environment. Advances on the rule of law can make a significant contribution in this regard.

Whilst progress has been made, there are still a number of reforms which Montenegro needs to carry out. 2017 will be an important year for Montenegro’s Euro-Atlantic integration, and we encourage the country to build on the progress already made and to take the reform process forward.

The process should not be considered merely as being an accession requirement, but a means leading to a more stable, prosperous and fair country. In this respect, one cannot over emphasise the importance of taking ownership of these reforms, which first and foremost are in the interest of, and to, the Montenegrin people.

We are well aware that Montenegro is currently facing a difficult political situation. It remains important for the government to maintain political commitment to the reform process and for all political parties to re-engage in a constructive dialogue, notably within the Parliament. The Council also closely followed Montenegro’s parliamentary elections in October and took good note of the overall positive assessment by the OSCE. Alleged irregularities in the elections need to be investigated, along with follow-up to the recommendations by international election observers. The clear messages in your draft resolution are well appreciated.

I would also like to highlight two points regarding Montenegro’s external relations. In the area of foreign policy, the country remains a reliable partner to the European Union. Let me use this opportunity to strongly commend Montenegro for its consistent cooperation in this regard and in particular for its full alignment with the EU common foreign and security policy.

Montenegro also continues to play a positive role in further developing regional cooperation and in advancing good neighbourly relations. In light of the overall situation in the Western Balkans, we should continue to highlight this point, as it actively contributes to the stabilisation of the very same region.

In summary, Montenegro continues to make steady progress in the EU accession negotiations and maintains its good cooperation with the EU and its neighbours in the region. Looking ahead, we hope to move the accession negotiations forward under our presidency by opening and provisionally closing those negotiating chapters which are technically ready with Montenegro.


  Julian King, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, honourable Members, I would like to start, in particular on behalf of my colleague, Commissioner Hahn, by extending thanks to the rapporteur, Mr Tannock, for this very well-balanced report. Indeed, may I extend my thanks to all here who contributed to this important work.

As we have been hearing, Montenegro has made steady progress on its EU path. Rule of Law is the fundamental element that will continue to determine the pace of the accession negotiations. The revised legal and institutional framework is largely in place and now needs to deliver further results. Montenegro is strongly committed to regional cooperation, as ministers noted, and has good relations with its neighbouring countries. In the Western Balkan context that is no minor achievement. Let me also reiterate our praise for Montenegro’s complete alignment with the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy, as Mr Borg said. Montenegro is a country with a clear EU perspective and, undoubtedly, the front-runner in the EU integration process with, as we have heard, 26 chapters open for negotiation, two of which are provisionally closed. Opinion polls show overwhelming support for EU membership, so in many ways Montenegro is, indeed, the good news story in the region, if the rapporteur will forgive me for pinching his expression. There are, of course, certain challenges, and it is fitting to discuss these with you here this evening in a parliamentary setting.

Unfortunately, in Montenegro, parliament is half empty, as the opposition is boycotting the work of this key institution. We share the concerns already expressed over this, and the Commission’s repeated message to all the political parties has been to work out a compromise and to return the political debate to parliament, where it belongs. A boycott is not a sustainable solution, even less for a negotiating country. As Montenegro stands at the doorstep of NATO, the external pressure on it is mounting, but we trust that the Montenegrin leaders in government and in opposition will be wise enough to put their differences aside and to work together to preserve the progress made in Euro-Atlantic integration over the years – in fact, since their independence. The October 2016 parliamentary elections were held under a substantially revised legal framework, and our assessment is based on the OSCE/ODIHR report. We now expect all political groups to return to constructive engagement and to work together to implement the ODIHR recommendations on further election reforms. Inclusive dialogue is crucial for elections and EU-related reforms, as well as the overall modernisation of the country. Furthermore, we expect the relevant domestic authorities swiftly and transparently to conclude the investigation of the election day events, in accordance with domestic laws and international standards.

We all, I am sure, look forward to the easing of political tensions and the continuation of the EU integration process, most notably the creation of a sustainable track record in the fight against corruption and organised crime. Fiscal imbalances should also be addressed in a determined way by implementing the approved budget and adopting a fiscal consolidation plan. Last week’s European Council unequivocally reaffirmed the European perspective of the Western Balkans, so this is a good moment to build momentum. A balanced economic environment and strong sense of rule of law will bring the necessary business opportunities and investment to Montenegro. The EU is assisting with technical advice and financial investment, so that the journey towards EU membership can already bring benefits to Montenegrin citizens, ranging from students to entrepreneurs, from farmers to consumers.


  Андрей Ковачев, от името на групата PPE. – С обръщането на Европейския съюз към собствените си вътрешни проблеми и последните промени във Вашингтон, в Западните Балкани се получи политически вакуум, който позволи на Русия да увеличи влиянието си в този регион. Това влияние води до засилване на геополитическото присъствие на Русия и поставяне под съмнение на евроатлантическата ориентация на страните от региона.

От друга страна, корупцията, зависимите медии и неефективната съдебна система в редица страни в региона позволяват на определени лидери да нагнетяват напрежението чрез националистическо говорене и междуетническо противопоставяне, като се представят за спасители на нацията, като в същото време тази риторика е прикритие за икономически престъпления и нелегални дейности.

В отворилия се балкански вакуум подобни националистически искри като референдума в Босна, опита за преврат в Черна гора, националистическото говорене в Сърбия срещу държави – членки на Европейския съюз като България, ситуацията в Македония, не са никак безобидни.

От една страна, ние трябва да изпратим категоричен сигнал, че страните от региона имат своята европейска перспектива и то с конкретна времева рамка. От друга страна, трябва да ги насърчим да ограничават националистическата риторика, антидемократичните злоупотреби и корупцията и да продължат с реформите в различни сектори, за да отговорят на критериите за членство.

В тази връзка не по-малко важно е да продължи и подкрепата за евроатлантическата интеграция на Западните Балкани, тъй като това е от ключово значение за стабилността и напредъка на региона. През 2016 г. отворихме вратата за Черна гора да стане член на Алианса. Досега 25 членки подписаха присъединителния протокол, за да може Черна гора да стане 29-ият член на НАТО.

Черна гора постигна стабилен прогрес в преговорния процес, като в момента 26 глави са отворени. Приветствам реформата в публичната администрация и в управлението в публичните финанси, създаването на антикорупционната агенция и стопроцентното съответствие на външната политика на страната с общата политика за сигурност и отбрана.

Призовавам за подкрепа на доклада на г-н Танък и особено поправките, които подкрепят посоката на Черна гора да остане по пътя на евроатлантическото развитие.


  Νίκος Ανδρουλάκης, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας S&D. – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, το Μαυροβούνιο παραμένει ο πρωταθλητής των δυτικών Βαλκανίων στην πορεία προς την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, 26 κεφάλαια από τα 35 έχουν κλείσει, εκ των οποίων τα 2 έχουν προσωρινά κλείσει. Θέλω να συγχαρώ την κυβέρνηση για τη σχετικά καλή διεξαγωγή των εκλογών, όπως επιβεβαίωσαν και οι παρατηρητές του ΟΑΣΑ. Ως Σοσιαλιστική Ομάδα χαιρετίζουμε τις προσπάθειες της χώρας όλα αυτά τα χρόνια, στην πορεία για την επιτυχή ολοκλήρωση των διαπραγματεύσεων.

Πρέπει όμως να αποφύγουμε τη μεταρρυθμιστική κόπωση, η οποία μπορεί να δημιουργήσει εμπόδια. Για τον λόγο αυτό, στο ψήφισμα, εκτός των σημαντικών μεταρρυθμίσεων που έχουν γίνει, τονίζουμε την ανάγκη επιπλέον προσπαθειών στους τομείς της δημόσιας διοίκησης, της ανεξαρτησίας της δικαιοσύνης, της καταπολέμησης της διαφθοράς και του οργανωμένου εγκλήματος. Περιμένουμε, ακόμα, δράσεις για την αντιμετώπιση της φοροδιαφυγής, των υψηλών κοινωνικών ανισοτήτων, της μακροχρόνιας ανεργίας και φτώχιας, εκμεταλλευόμενοι βέβαια και το πρόσφατο άνοιγμα του κεφαλαίου 19. Η κοινωνική πρόοδος είναι για εμάς ένας σημαντικός παράγοντας της ενταξιακής διαδικασίας.

Θα ήθελα επίσης να σημειώσω ότι η παρούσα έκθεση έρχεται σε μία αρκετά κρίσιμη περίοδο για τη χώρα. Την ημέρα των εκλογών φαίνεται πως κάποιοι επιχείρησαν να δολοφονήσουν τον πρώην πρωθυπουργό κ. Τζουκάνοβιτς και να ανατρέψουν τη νόμιμα εκλεγμένη κυβέρνηση. Ευτυχώς απέτυχαν. Αναμένουμε το πόρισμα των ερευνών μέχρι τα μέσα του επόμενου μήνα και καλούμε την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή και την Ύπατη Εκπρόσωπο να παρακολουθήσει στενά τις εξελίξεις. Θέλω επίσης να καλέσω τα κράτη μέλη καθώς και τις τρίτες χώρες να συνεργαστούν με τις αρχές του Μαυροβουνίου για την πλήρη και διαφανή εξιχνίαση της υπόθεσης. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό πρέπει να ευχαριστήσουμε τη Σερβία για τον εποικοδομητικό της ρόλο. Η αντιπολίτευση, επίσης, θα πρέπει να αναγνωρίσει το αποτέλεσμα των εκλογών και να επιστρέψει στο Κοινοβούλιο, αποφεύγοντας δράσεις οι οποίες δυναμιτίζουν το πολιτικό κλίμα και διχάζουν την κοινωνία.


  Anna Elżbieta Fotyga, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Madam President, I congratulate Charles Tannock and share his assessment, in particular concerning the Euro—Atlantic integration and internal security. I would like to stress the necessity to make the positive processes in place more inclusive and also engage heavily in combating corruption. Not all signs of fatigue that are visible in Montenegro are due to Russia’s influence.


  Jozo Radoš, u ime kluba ALDE. – Gospođo predsjednice, kolegice i kolege, i ja bih na početku želio zahvaliti gospodinu Tannocku na dobroj suradnji i na odmjerenom izvješću o napretku Crne Gore u 2016. godini. Crna Gora je napredna zemlja. Ona je donijela mnoge zakone i stvorila institucije, ali još uvijek puno toga ima učiniti u ključnim područjima kao što je pravosuđe, javna uprava, borba protiv korupcije, sloboda medija, što govori kako je zahtjevan proces pristupanja jedne zemlje Europskoj uniji i ta zahtjevnost može obeshrabriti i tu zemlju, ali i Europsku uniju na tom vrlo važnom putu jer se radi o temeljitoj transformaciji jedne države i cijeloga društva. Zato to nije nimalo jednostavno.

Crna Gora ima i posebne probleme i poteškoće, a to je podijeljenost unutar same države oko temeljnih pitanja s kojima se država suočava i, naravno, takve podijeljene i slabe zemlje su laki plijen, plodno tlo za negativne vanjske utjecaje. S obzirom na situaciju, ne samo u Crnoj Gori nego i pogoršanu situaciju na cijelom prostoru zapadnog Balkana, a to znači neriješena pitanja niza godina, unutrašnje podjele, blokade, povećana umiješanost zemalja koje, čini mi se, ne čine dobro za taj prostor zapadnog Balkana, osobito je važna snažnija, angažiranija prisutnost Europske unije i u Crnoj Gori, ali i u ostalim zemljama zapadnog Balkana. To je u interesu ne samo tih zemalja nego i Europske unije jer zapadni Balkan je zemljopisno prostor Europske unije.


  Τάκης Χατζηγεωργίου, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας GUE/NGL. – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, το Μαυροβούνιο βρίσκεται μπροστά σε μια πολύ σοβαρή διαδικασία για ένταξη στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, και στηρίζω και εγώ τις προσπάθειες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και του Κοινοβουλίου, έτσι ώστε να ξεπεραστούν σ’ αυτή τη χώρα οι χρόνιες αντιπαραθέσεις αλλά και εξωτερικές παρεμβάσεις, που με τόσο τραγικό τρόπο έχουν επηρεάσει τις ζωές απλών ανθρώπων σ’ αυτή την ιδιαίτερη γωνιά της Ευρώπης. Το Μαυροβούνιο ιδιαίτερα μαστίζεται από εσωτερικές αντιπαραθέσεις, και χρέος μας είναι να είμαστε υποβοηθητικοί, ώστε να αναπτύξουν τους θεσμούς εκείνους που θα κάνουν την πολιτική ζωή εύρυθμη και λειτουργική, αλλά δεν μπορούμε με ύφος επιτηρητή να επιδιώκουμε την επιβολή δικών μας όρων και επιδιώξεων.

Η έκθεση σε κάποιο βαθμό εξυπηρετεί δυστυχώς, αντί να αμβλύνει, τη διαμάχη που έχει η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση με τη Ρωσία. Οι αναφορές και εκκλήσεις αναφορικά με την ένταξη της χώρας στο ΝΑΤΟ δυστυχώς θα δημιουργήσουν νέες διενέξεις στο εσωτερικό της, αν λάβουμε υπόψιν ότι ήδη η κοινωνία εκεί είναι πάρα πολύ διχασμένη σε αυτό το ζήτημα. Ως Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο στόχος μας θα πρέπει να είναι η εμβάθυνση των σχέσεών μας με το Μαυροβούνιο, ώστε να μπορεί να αντιμετωπίσει τα προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζει, όπως είναι αυτά της διαφθοράς, του οργανωμένου εγκλήματος, της φτώχειας και του κράτους δικαίου.


  Ulrike Lunacek, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Madam President, first of all, I would like to thank my colleague Mr Tannock and the shadows for their very good cooperation and a very well-drafted and balanced report. Montenegro has already made progress but still more needs to be done, whether on corruption, organised crime, reform of the judiciary, media freedom, the rights of ethnic and sexual minorities and gender equality. Overall there has been some progress, but it is still not enough. Nevertheless, I would like to congratulate the Montenegrin Government and citizens for the progress they have already achieved in their progress towards the European Union.

The issue of election day has already been raised. I have to say that, as Greens, although we have no doubt about Russian influence – not just in Montenegro but also in other parts of the region – we would have liked to separate the language on Russian influence and on the coup attempt on election day, because this is still under investigation. We do not yet have any independent information about what really happened. We would also have liked to separate the EU and NATO, because this is about EU accession and not NATO accession.

Nevertheless, thank you for including many aspects on ecology. I hope we will have your support for two more amendments tomorrow on the protection of Lake Skadar and our concern about 80 hydropower power plants, which need to be constructed with environmental impact assessments.


  Dominique Bilde, au nom du groupe ENF. – Madame la Présidente, en matière de textes sur le processus d’adhésion des pays tiers à l’Union européenne, vos rapports se suivent et se ressemblent.

En fait de diversité, vous n’avez de cesse de vous ingérer dans les affaires internes d’un État souverain, pour l’uniformiser sous l’égide de cette idéologie. Ce rapport sur le Monténégro n’échappe pas à la règle. Il est cocasse que vous dénonciez dans ce rapport, une soi-disant ingérence russe dans les processus électoraux du Monténégro, alors que de l’aveu même du procureur spécial monténégrin Milivoje Katnić, les services de renseignements des pays amis en Europe – et notamment des États-Unis et de la Grande-Bretagne – ont aidé le Monténégro dans l’enquête concernant la supposée tentative de coup d’État par l’opposition, lors des dernières législatives d’octobre. À se demander si mettre en cause la Russie et l’encercler, via l’Otan, ne vous intéresse pas, en réalité, plus que le processus démocratique au Monténégro.

Enfin, au vu des constats que vous dressez sur la situation sociale, économique et politique de ce pays, je me demande vraiment comment vous pouvez continuer à demander l’accélération des négociations en vue d’une adhésion prochaine à l’Union. Nous pourrons nous inquiéter de l’état de la démocratie au Monténégro quand elle sera réellement et pleinement respectée dans l’Union.


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE). – Doamnă președintă, aș vrea, în primul rând, să salut progresele făcute de Muntenegru în drumul către Uniunea Europeană. Semnul acestor progrese este foarte clar: 26 de capitole de negociere deschise, 2 închise; alt indicator este acela că alegerile parlamentare ce au avut loc în octombrie 2016 au fost organizate cu succes, ceea ce demonstrează că practicile democratice încep să se înrădăcineze.

Sper, de altfel, că acest exemplu să inspire și alte țări din regiune, candidate sau potențial candidate.

Acestea fiind zise, Muntenegru mai are încă o serie de pași importanți de făcut. Unul dintre cei mai importanți este cel al depășirii culturii boicotului și a opoziției încrâncenate. Negocierea și compromisul sunt ingrediente la fel de necesare ca și confruntarea într-o democrație. O prioritate mi se pare lupta împotriva corupției și a politizării excesive a administrației publice. Importantă este, deopotrivă, întărirea libertății presei, căci, din păcate, continuă să îi lipsească independența necesară.

În ceea ce ne privește, sper că vom ști să răspundem corect progreselor și, mai ales, așteptărilor țărilor candidate și potențial candidate din regiune. Cred că este nevoie mai mult decât oricând să oferim un orizont de timp rezonabil în ceea ce privește data aderării la Uniunea Europeană fiecăruia dintre statele interesate de acest lucru din Balcanii de Vest. Cred că a le promite un viitor luminos, neclar, nu este o soluție și am avut zilele acestea și cu doamna Mogherini și cu domnul Hahn numeroase discuții pe această temă. Strategia Comisiei trebuie să se schimbe, dacă vrem să nu pierdem aceste popoare din Balcanii de Vest, pentru că rușii, turcii sunt acolo și sunt competitori foarte serioși. Am văzut, de altfel, cât de îngrijorați sunt cei care sprijină aici mai degrabă interesele Rusiei decât cele europene.


  Anneliese Dodds (S&D). – Madam President, it was good to see EU leaders reaffirming their commitment to the Western Balkans during the last European Council. Ahead of the meeting, as we know, some EU leaders voiced concerns about external destabilising influences on the region, and these have been mentioned again tonight. I believe our response has to be ever more visible and strong engagement in the region to support those forces that fight for human rights and the rule of law.

The EU is a peace project, a project that aims to end frequent and bloody wars between neighbours, horrible experiences that the Western Balkans know only too well. The prospect of European integration for Montenegro and the Western Balkans is therefore essential for peace in the region and across Europe. As the Commissioner noted, Montenegro continues to demonstrate a strong commitment to EU integration. Its steady progress in opening chapters is not only bringing it closer to EU accession, but, as many others have said, is also providing a positive example for other countries in the region.

My group tabled a number of amendments to the report, specifically focused on enhancing human rights. I am pleased that many of these are reflected in the report, covering topics from ensuring media freedom to improving working conditions for civil society, to better arrangements for victims of gender-based violence, to eliminating obstacles to health care, education, housing and employment for Roma people. Finally, I would like to thank the rapporteur and the shadow rapporteurs for their very constructive collaboration during all stages of the report.


  David McAllister (PPE). – Madam President, Montenegro’s steady path towards EU integration is most welcome. I particularly welcome the ongoing progress in judicial reform and the fight against corruption in this country. Furthermore, Montenegro’s aim to join NATO this year is a clear sign of its commitment towards our Euro-Atlantic Alliance. As NATO remains an important factor for peace and stability in the Western Balkans, this decision deserves our strong support.

Notwithstanding the important progress, there also remain significant challenges ahead, as my colleague, Mr Preda, has just pointed out. I would also like to name just a few. These include the deeply polarised political climate, the politicisation of the public administration, undue external influence on the judiciary, corruption and the freedom of the media. I remain deeply concerned about alleged Russian attempts to influence development in this country, which could potentially destabilise the whole region. Therefore, I would like to join the call of High Representative Federica Mogherini to follow ongoing investigations into the alleged coup d’état attempt on 16 October last year, including, notably, the purported involvement of Russian intelligence.

As the standing rapporteur for Serbia – and to close on a positive note – I would like to commend the state of Montenegrin—Serbian relations, which continue to be a source of stability for the region. If the two front runners in the Western Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro, stay on their respective European paths, we will be able to ensure long—term stability in the region. I would like to thank my distinguished colleague Charles Tannock for his good work.


  Петър Курумбашев (S&D). – Знаете пред колко заплахи е изправен Европейският съюз и смятам, че най-добрият отговор на тези заплахи е продължаващото разширяване на Съюза. Бих искал специално да обърна внимание на това, че приемането на Черна гора в Европейския съюз ще окаже изключително благоприятно въздействие върху нейните съседи в лицето на Албания и Сърбия, както и на съседната на България Македония.

Искам също да кажа, че се надявам по време на председателството на България, което ще бъде след една година, да имаме вече повече затворени глави, отколкото отворени, и също така се надявам, че ще има много ясен хоризонт и конкретна времева рамка за приемането на Черна гора, тъй като когато споменаваме, че няма да се приемат нови държави до 2020 г., ние не окуражаваме кандидатите за членство в Европейския съюз.

Също така искам да изразя, след като чух изказванията и на много мои колеги, моето уверение, че Черна гора има много истински и искрени приятели в Европейския парламент.


  José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra (PPE). – Señora presidenta, señor comisario, señorías. Quisiera, en primer lugar, felicitar al ponente, señor Tannock, por el excelente informe que nos ha presentado y por el certero análisis que hace, no solamente de los progresos que ha experimentado Montenegro sino también del contexto general de la situación regional.

El ponente nos dice que el contexto es preocupante y el Consejo Europeo nos dice, en sus conclusiones de este fin de semana, que la situación es muy frágil. Por eso el ponente nos recuerda lo sucedido en torno al proceso electoral y lo acaecido después de las elecciones que se han celebrado últimamente.

Creo que es un error, señora presidenta, el análisis que hacen algunos de considerar a Rusia, un país que extiende sus fronteras desde Alaska hasta Polonia, como un actor regional. Rusia es una potencia global que, por cierto, desafía a Occidente en casi todos los tableros y casi siempre con éxito. Por eso yo creo que hay que subrayar y dar la debida importancia a la oportuna visita de la alta representante a la región y al tratamiento que ha tenido este asunto en el Consejo de Ministros y en el Consejo Europeo.

Creo que las recetas son muy claras: hay que continuar con el proceso de reformas, hay que dar una perspectiva de acción regional y hay, también, señora presidenta, muy claramente que situar este problema —como decía al principio— en un contexto regional que se presenta como muy inquietante.

Ya tuvimos unos precedentes en la Cumbre de Vilnius en noviembre del año 2013. Vimos lo que sucedió con la crisis de Ucrania, la desestabilización y anexión de Crimea y todo lo que ha sucedido después. Creo, señora presidenta, que este precedente es un ejemplo a no imitar y, por lo tanto, saludamos con muy buena disposición este excelente informe que nos presenta el señor Tannock sobre los procesos y los progresos que ha experimentado Montenegro.


  Isabella De Monte (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la politica di allargamento dell'Unione rappresenta un investimento in termini di pace, di sicurezza e di prosperità in Europa, fornendo opportunità economiche e commerciali a mutuo vantaggio dell'Unione europea e dei paesi che aspirano ad aderirvi.

Bisogna però garantire che i futuri Stati membri siano ben preparati e attuino riforme profonde in ogni settore. Personalmente vorrei accennare ai trasporti e alle reti transeuropee quale vero punto di congiunzione con l'Europa. Importanti investimenti sono stati fatti e devono ancora essere fatti per una vera unione, anche fisica, con i Balcani occidentali.

Le connessioni transfrontaliere devono essere rafforzate, i procedimenti doganali uniformati e i risultati richiesti dalla COP 21 condivisi. Inoltre, non dimentichiamo il problema della sicurezza stradale: nei paesi quali il Montenegro il tasso di mortalità per incidenti è ancora alto.

Auspico quindi il moltiplicarsi degli sforzi in ogni settore, in particolare nei trasporti, anche in vista del vertice sui Balcani occidentali, che si terrà a Trieste nel mese di luglio.


  Eduard Kukan (PPE). – Madam President, first, my highest appreciation goes to the rapporteur Charles Tannock for having shown once again his devotion to this file, which resulted in a very good, objective and balanced draft resolution. Looking back at the last 12 months, Montenegro remains clearly the frontrunner in the integration process in the region, which enjoys the continuous and high support of its citizens. For this, our partners in Montenegro deserve our further backing in keeping up the momentum and continuing with the reforms, notably in the domain of the rule of law, judiciary reform, the fight against corruption and organised crime, and improving the media environment. Yet these advances are overshadowed by the current boycott of the parliament which stalls the reform work. As the opposition is currently out of the parliament, I appreciate the prime minister’s gesture in extending a hand to the opposition, and hope that regular parliamentary work will resume soon.

With regard to the events around the October 2016 elections, investigation needs to take place in accordance with Montenegrin law and international standards. The outstanding issues relating to the election should be addressed with a special focus on the OSCE Final Report recommendations which should act as a guideline.


  Željana Zovko (PPE). – Gospodine predsjedavajući, poštovani povjereniče, na početku bih željela čestitati izvjestitelju Tannocku na odlično izbalansiranom izvješću u kojem je jasno istaknuto da je Crna Gora ostvarila odličan napredak u pristupnim pregovorima s Europskom unijom. U ovom trenutku Crna Gora je najnaprednija država kandidatkinja i pokazuje iskrene aspiracije u pristupanju Europskoj uniji.

Osim poruka potpore o dosad ostvarenom napretku, želim naglasiti važnost uspostave učinkovitog i neovisnog sudstva, borbe protiv korupcije i organiziranog kriminala kao ključnih reformi u ispunjavanju kriterija za članstvo. Potrebno je uložiti dodatne napore ka rješavanju otvorenih bilateralnih pitanja s državama u susjedstvu.

Ovom prilikom želim izraziti zabrinutost po pitanju utjecaja trećih neeuropskih država na unutarnje političke procese i vanjskopolitičke prioritete u Crnoj Gori kao i drugim zemljama u regiji, što može dodatno ugroziti mir i stabilnost zapadnog Balkana.

Europska unija se mora vidljivije angažirati na području zapadnog Balkana kako bi se osnažile aspiracije Crne Gore, ali i ostalih država na njihovom putu u europske integracije. To je jedini put ka miru u regiji, ali i u Europi.


  Ivica Tolić (PPE). – Gospođo predsjednice, stanje na zapadnom Balkanu zaista je zabrinjavajuće. Oko takve ocjene mislim da imamo konsenzus. Brojne su napetosti između zemalja zapadnog Balkana i unutar zemalja između različitih etničkih, vjerskih i političkih zajednica. Snažni su i vanjski utjecaji Rusije i Turske, a Europska unija je podosta rezervirana. Sve to dodatno komplicira i onako složenu situaciju koja ovako može eskalirati i u sukobe.

Crna Gora je neupitno iskazala svoje namjere integracije u euroatlantske integracije i ostvarila značajan napredak. Znamo da je na vlasti proeuropska koalicija koja ima tijesnu većinu. Znamo da ta većina može lako doći u pitanje. Svjedočili smo i pokušaju državnog udara prilikom zadnjih parlamentarnih izbora. Prosrpska opozicija u Crnoj Gori želi spriječiti europski put Crne Gore i zato nas ne treba čuditi njihov bojkot u Parlamentu.

Mi znamo da još uvijek ima određenih problema u Crnoj Gori u području pravosuđa, da korupcija i kriminal još predstavljaju ozbiljan problem, i drugi koji su navedeni u izvješću. Ali pitam se koja je naša uloga u procesu pristupanja? Smijemo li biti pasivni promatrači procesa? Možemo li biti zadovoljni dosadašnjim angažmanom ...

(Kraj govora se ne čuje jasno.)




  Csaba Sógor (PPE). – Elnök Asszony! Rendkívül hibás megközelítésnek tartom, hogy a jelentés nem vesz tudomást Montenegró többnemzetiségű jellegéről és ennek következményeiről, a különböző nemzeti és etnikai közösségek jogegyenlőségének szükségességéről. Bár a szöveg ezzel kapcsolatban a Kotori-öböl többnemzetiségű identitásának megóvását említi, ennek a felhívásnak az egész ország vonatkozásában el kell hangoznia. A roma és egyiptomi közösségek társadalmi befogadása mellett az országban élő szerb, albán, bosnyák, muszlim és horvát közösség alapvető jogaira is oda kell figyelni. Amikor a Nyugat-Balkán országairól beszélünk, nem téveszthetjük szem elől, hogy az államhatárok és a nemzetiségi, etnikai határok nem esnek egybe, mindegyik államban nagyszámú kisebbség él, ezért a kölcsönös megbékélés és a feszültségek csökkentése csak a nemzeti kisebbségek jogainak tiszteletben tartása mellett lehetséges.

Sok esetben úgy tűnik, hogy minél közelebb van egy ország az EU-hoz való csatlakozáshoz, annál kisebb súllyal esnek latba ezek a kérdések, a tagállamok esetében pedig már szóba hozni udvariatlanságnak számít. Ez azonban a valóság tagadás...

(Az elnök megvonta a szót a képviselőtől.)


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, χαιρετίζουμε τις διαπραγματεύσεις μεταξύ Μαυροβουνίου και Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, προκειμένου να υλοποιηθεί η ένταξη του Μαυροβουνίου στην Ένωση. Η Ελλάδα υποστηρίζει την ευρωπαϊκή προοπτική του Μαυροβουνίου και ήδη από το 2011 υπέγραψε συμφωνία συνεργασίας για παροχή τεχνογνωσίας σε θέματα Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Επιδοκιμάζουμε τη σταθερή πρόοδο των ενταξιακών διαπραγματεύσεων με το Μαυροβούνιο, ωστόσο η διαφθορά εξακολουθεί να αποτελεί σοβαρό πρόβλημα, ιδίως στους τομείς των δημοσίων συμβάσεων, της δημόσιας υγείας, της παιδείας, του χωροταξικού σχεδιασμού, των ιδιωτικοποιήσεων και των κατασκευών. Γι’ αυτό καλούμε το Μαυροβούνιο να καταστήσει την πάταξη της διαφθοράς μια από τις προτεραιότητές του. Τέλος θα πρέπει να σημειώσουμε ότι η ευρωπαϊκή πορεία του Μαυροβουνίου πρέπει να εμπεριέχει και την επίλυση προβλημάτων που έχει η χώρα αυτή με γειτονικές της χώρες και η επίλυση αυτή των προβλημάτων πρέπει να γίνει με τρόπο εποικοδομητικό και σε πνεύμα καλής γειτονίας.


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). – Gospođo predsjednice, Crna Gora je dobar primjer na zapadnom Balkanu. Dobar primjer kada govorimo o dobrosusjedskoj suradnji s drugim državama, kada govorimo o manjinskim pravima jer su Hrvati, Bošnjaci i Albanci uključeni u vođenje države i u procese u samoj državi. Dobar primjer kada govorimo o ukupnoj regionalnoj stabilnosti, onome što znači npr. konkretno Jadransko more, ono što znači odnosi koji su bitni, koji su ovdje naznačeni, odnosi sa Srbijom i naravno, daleko od toga da ta zemlja nema problema, naravno da ih ima, ali jasna euroatlantska aspiracija koja danas jeste u Crnoj Gori prevladavajuća je dobar pokazatelj.

Zato ja pozivam opoziciju da sudjeluje u ovim sudbonosnim momentima za budućnost ove države, da sudjeluje u radu Parlamenta jer Europska unija će prihvatiti Crnu Goru.


  Davor Škrlec (Verts/ALE). – Gospođo predsjednice, Crna Gora je prema pokazateljima očito najnaprednija država kandidatkinja za članstvo u Europskoj uniji. Međutim, Crna Gora, kao i druge zemlje u regiji kada su pristupale u članstvo, pokazuje manjak političke volje za implementaciju javne politike Europske unije pogotovo u zaštiti okoliša i javnog zdravlja. I tu želim istaknuti tri ključne, crne točke koje postoje u Crnoj Gori. To je Kombinat aluminij Podgorica s bazenima crvenog mulja. Znamo koliko su oni opasni za okoliš i trenutačno prijete, ukoliko dođe do ekološke katastrofe, i Skadarskom jezeru. Govorimo o nikšičkoj čeličani koja desetljećima zagađuje zrak svojih građana. Govorimo o termoelektrani na ugljen Plevlja, za koju vlada Crne Gore nema volje za modernizaciju i još planira izgradnju novog bloka.

Dakle, pozivam Europsku komisiju da ne samo formalno, nego da financijski, tehnički, pomaže vladu Crne Gore jer ti isti građani Crne Gore će sutra odlučivati na referendumu kada će se ulaziti u članstvo Europske unije i moraju vidjeti korist od tog članstva.


(Ende des Catch-the-eye-Verfahrens)


  Julian King, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, thank you once again for this report and for tonight’s debate. As already noted, last week’s discussions in the Foreign Affairs Council, as well as the European Council, reconfirmed our commitment towards the Western Balkan region. While the EU is not alone in recognising the importance of the region, we are in a unique position to help address the challenges, and the European perspective is our best instrument for bringing stability and reform, regionally as well as in each of the countries.

Montenegro has achieved a lot and now needs to find the political maturity to sustain the gains made and advance on the path towards accession. The latest opinion polls show, as a number of you have said, an overwhelming support for EU membership across party lines. Montenegro is firmly committed to its EU path and the EU remains equally dedicated to Montenegro’s future in the EU. However, as has been pointed out in the discussion and as is pointed out in the report, there is still more work ahead. Montenegro needs to stay focused on, among other things, rule of law, the fight against corruption and organised crime, freedom of the media and public administration reform. We support the calls for immediate follow-up to the OSCE/ODIHR recommendations and hope that all political actors can take part in this process. Calming down the political tensions, preserving the reform path and the creation of a tangible track record of rule of law will move Montenegro closer to the EU. To a considerable extent, the pace of progress is in Montenegro’s own hands, but we should continue to support and encourage them. Thank you for this evening’s debate.


  Charles Tannock, rapporteur. – Madam President, I would like first of all to thank colleagues for the very warm words they said about my report this evening. The debate has highlighted the continued interest that our Parliament has towards Montenegro and the wider Western Balkan region. Our Parliament remains engaged in the enlargement process generally and, by an overwhelming majority, supports the aims of the countries in the Western Balkans to all join the European Union.

As a Member coming from a country, the United Kingdom, that has now chosen, regrettably, to leave the European Union, I am particularly keen to note that I believe that this was the wrong choice for Britain and that Montenegro should by no means see this as a reason to give up its bid for membership. As I noted earlier, EU membership can act as a vehicle for peace, security and prosperity in the Balkans, and these are values that encapsulate the entire purposes of EU membership.

All that remains for me to say now is that I hope tomorrow we will see the report adopted by a large majority, similar to the one we saw at the committee stage.


  Die Präsidentin. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet morgen, Donnerstag, 16. März 2017, statt.

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