Next Meeting of the D-UK Delegation on 20 February 2025 (Brussels)
The next meeting of the EP's Delegation to the EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership Assembly (D-UK) is scheduled for:
Thursday, 20 February 2025, 10.30-12.00 (Brussels)
Room: Altiero Spinelli 1-G2
The meeting will be held "in Camera".
The links to the meeting documents will follow shortly

29-11-2024 - 15:00
Mr Sandro GOZI (Renew, France) was elected Chair of the European Parliament's Delegation to the EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership Assembly (EU-UK PPA), at the Constitutive Meeting held on 3 October 2024.

24-09-2024 - 18:19
In order to facilitate a swift start into the new legislative term, the Parliament has prepared for the new Members a series of brochures providing a detailed information on the EP's role in the external policies of the EU as well as the work of parliamentary standing delegations.
Strasbourg & Brussels