United Kingdom: Economic indicators and trade with EU

At a Glance 21-05-2024

This infographic provides an insight into the economic performance of the United Kingdom compared with the European Union (EU) and looks at the trade dynamics between them. United Kingdom’s GDP per capita at the beginning of the series was significantly higher than the EU27 average. After the COVID-19 pandemic, the GDP per capita at PPP between the EU and the United Kingdom took converging directions. The exchange rate between the Pound Sterling and the Euro stabilized at approximately 0.9 after the 2016 increase. The inflation rate increased with similar trends in both the United Kingdom and the EU, but in the latter, the rate decreased more rapidly, reaching 6.3% in 2023. The EU is the leading trade partner for the United Kingdom, and their imports and exports are mainly composed of the exchange of mechanical appliances, vehicles and aircraft, and energy components. For the United Kingdom, the EU is its main trade partner, accounting for 51.8% of its total trade in goods (exports plus imports).