Revision of the EU Ambient Air Quality Directives
Air pollution is a serious issue with tangible negative effects on health, the environment, economies and societies. The EU has developed a policy on air quality to help Member States reduce air polluting emissions. Although emissions have been falling for the past two decades, exceedances for certain harmful pollutants are still widespread and persistent. A 2019 Commission fitness check of the EU Ambient Air Quality Directives (AAQDs), which are central to EU air quality policy, shows that the two directives 'have not ensured that sufficient action is taken throughout the EU to meet air quality standards and keep exceedances as short as possible, resulting in a mixed picture'. The identified deficiencies require a revision of the AAQDs, which also need to be adapted to the priorities of the European Green Deal and in particular to its zero pollution pillar. The European Parliament, which scrutinised implementation of the AAQDs in 2021, will be a co-legislator in this revision. This briefing presents findings on the implementation of the directives and thus aims to inform parliamentary decision-making.