Plants produced using new genomic techniques
On 5 July 2023, the Commission tabled a proposal for a regulation on certain new genomic techniques (NGTs). It establishes two categories of plants obtained by NGTs: plants comparable to naturally occurring or conventional plants, and plants with modifications that are more complex. The two categories will be subject to different requirements to reach the market, taking into account their different characteristics and risk profiles. Feedback from stakeholders is mixed. While industry interest groups hailed the 'game-changing proposals' bringing innovation in plant breeding, the organic food and farming movement criticised the Commission's plan to take NGTs out of the existing legal framework, as it could leave organic food systems unprotected. In a vote on 7 February 2024, the Parliament adopted its first-reading position with 307 votes for to 263 against and 41 abstentions. MEPs agreed to support a simplified registration for plant varieties produced using NGTs that are deemed to be equivalent to conventional varieties, while retaining stricter controls for others that are not (plants resulting from targeted mutagenesis and cisgenesis). The Council is yet to reach a general approach. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages in the legislative procedure.