The European disability card and European parking card

Briefing 14-11-2024

One in four people in the European Union has some form of disability. Over time, the EU has paid more attention to the issue of free movement for persons with disabilities, and in February 2016 it launched a European disability card scheme as a pilot project in eight Member States. Based on the experience and assessment of the EU disability card pilot project and the European parking card for persons with disabilities, the European Commission launched a legislative initiative on 6 September 2023 to create a European disability card, to be recognised in all Member States. On 31 October 2023, the Commission put forward a second proposal for a directive extending the cards to third-country nationals (the 'follow-up proposal'). On 27 November 2023, the Council agreed its general approach. On 11 January 2024, the European Parliament's Employment and Social Affairs Committee (EMPL) adopted its report and decided to enter into interinstitutional negotiations based on that report. After two trilogues, the Council presidency reached a provisional agreement with Parliament's negotiators on 8 February. On 24 April, the final text agreed in trilogue was approved during Parliament's April II plenary session. It was adopted by the Council on 14 October and the final text was signed on 23 October 2024. Member States have 2.5 years to transpose the directive and 3.5 years to implement it. Second edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.