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Commitments made at the confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate 2024-2029

Summary : Commitments made at the confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate 2024-2029

Research for PECH Committee - Handbook of fish species exploited in the EU

18-12-2024 759.322 PECH
Summary : This handbook provides an illustrated overview of the main marine and freshwater species relevant to the EU fisheries and aquaculture sector. For each species, the handbook shows its main biological characteristics, whether it is caught, farmed or both, and by which Member States, along with some significant EU conservation measures. In addition, it indicates the name of the species in Danish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and Swedish.
Authors : BREUER Marcus Ernst Gerhard, POPESCU Irina, TWISK DANA DIVERA

Research for PECH Committee - The future of the EU fishing fleet − First assessment of Member States’ EMFAF programmes for 2021-27 − Part IV: Case study on the Netherlands

02-12-2024 759.329 PECH
At a Glance
Summary : This study reviews the implementation of the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) in the Netherlands, as regards the first acquisition of a fishing vessel, the replacement or modernisation of a main or ancillary engine and the increase of gross tonnage to improve safety, working conditions or energy efficiency (Articles 17-19 of the EMFAF Regulation). The study also assesses the future needs of the Dutch fishing fleet and makes proposals for the adjustment of EMFAF for the next budget period.

Research for PECH Committee - The future of the EU fishing fleet − First assessment of Member States’ EMFAF programmes for 2021-27 - Part I: Synopsis on coastal EU Member States

02-12-2024 759.326 PECH
At a Glance
Summary : This synopsis is the first out of a series of four studies, commissioned for a PECH Committee Workshop on “The future of the EU fishing fleet − First assessment of the EMFAF programming for 2021-27”. The study focuses on EMFAF Article 17 (First acquisition of a fishing vessel), Article 18 (Replacement or modernisation of a main or ancillary engine) and Article 19 (Increase of gross tonnage to improve safety, working conditions or energy efficiency”). The synopsis deals with the situation for all 22 coastal EU Member States, while at the same time considering results of three additional case studies on Spain, France and the Netherlands.
Linked documents


Research for PECH Committee - The future of the EU fishing fleet − First assessment of Member States’ EMFAF programmes for 2021-27 − Part III: Case study on France

02-12-2024 759.328 PECH
At a Glance
Summary : The European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) provides for public co-funding to support the modernisation of the fishing fleet during the current funding period (2021-2027). Funding opportunities are subject to specific conditions framed by the EMFAF Regulation as regards the first acquisition of a fishing vessel (Article 17), replacement or modernisation of a main or ancillary engine (Article 18) and increase of gross tonnage to improve safety, working conditions or energy efficiency (Article 19).

Research for PECH Committee - The future of the EU fishing fleet − First assessment of Member States’ EMFAF programmes for 2021-27 − Part II: Case study on Spain

28-11-2024 759.327 PECH
At a Glance
Summary : This study is the second contribution to a PECH Committee Workshop on “The future of the EU fishing fleet – First assessment of Member States’ EMFAF programmes for 2021-27”. The general objective of this study is to provide information to Members of PECH Committee on the state of play of the Spanish EMFAF programming and its implementation with regard to Articles 17-19 of the European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) Regulation.
Linked documents


Research for PECH Committee - The future of the EU fishing fleet − First assessment of Member States’ EMFAF programmes for 2021-27

18-11-2024 759.324 PECH
Summary : This workshop provides a first assessment of the programming of the EMFAF for the period 2021-27. It focuses on Article 17 on “First acquisition of a fishing vessel”, Article 18 on “Engine replacement or modernisation” and Article 19 on “Increase of gross tonnage to improve safety, working conditions or energy efficiency”. While a synopsis study provides a general overview of the implementation of the EMFAF by Member States, three case studies on Spain, France and the Netherlands discuss the national specificities of the fishing fleets and the support provided under the current EMFAF rules.
Linked documents

Research for PECH Committee - The EU oceans and fisheries policy - Latest developments and future challenges

16-09-2024 759.323 PECH
At a Glance
Summary : This study provides an overview of the Common Fisheries Policy and other EU policies in relation to Fisheries, Aquaculture, the Blue Economy and International Ocean Governance. The current and future challenges facing these are described. Strengths and weaknesses of EU policy in addressing these challenges are assessed, leading to the authors making a range of specific policy recommendations.
Linked documents


Research for PECH Committee - The EU oceans and fisheries policy - Latest developments and future challenges

12-09-2024 747.291 PECH
Summary : This study provides an overview of the Common Fisheries Policy and other EU policies in relation to Fisheries, Aquaculture, the Blue Economy and International Ocean Governance. The current and future challenges facing these are described. Strengths and weaknesses of EU policy in addressing these challenges are assessed, leading to the authors making a range of specific policy recommendations.

Research for PECH Committee - Handbook of fishing gears used by the EU fleet

21-07-2024 759.320 PECH
Summary : This handbook provides an illustrated overview of the main fishing gears currently used in the EU. For each gear, the handbook outlines the essentials of its design, operation method and target species, and shows the main Member State fishing fleets that use it. In addition, it indicates the name of the gears in Danish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch and Portuguese.
Authors : BREUER Marcus Ernst Gerhard, POPESCU Irina

Research for PECH Committee - Fisheries and aquaculture management in the United States

19-07-2024 759.321 PECH
In-Depth Analysis
Summary : This in-depth analysis explores the complexities of fisheries and aquaculture management in the United States, focusing on the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA). The MSA establishes ten national standards and eight Regional Fishery Management Councils to develop and enforce regulations. The research paper highlights the collaborative efforts between state and federal authorities in monitoring and regulating fisheries and aquaculture activities in the US. Finally, the analysis addresses US aquaculture regulation, environmental concerns, and initiatives to expand the sector despite existing challenges.
Authors : BREUER Marcus Ernst Gerhard, POPESCU Irina, TWISK DANA DIVERA