Trade aspects of the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement

Studie 30-11-2021

In this study we analyse the provisions of the EU-Mercosur trade agreement (EUMETA) in its form presented by the European Commission. Our analysis covers the potential macroeconomic effects of the agreement that are based on the analysis of the extent of trade liberalisation through the lens of a computable general simulation model, as well as more detailed analysis of trade structure, tariff structure, non-tariff protection and the trade-related provisions of the agreement including trade in services and government procurement. Moreover, we analyse the institutional provisions of the EU-Mercosur Association agreement (EUMEAA) in relation to the positioning of the European Parliament and civil society. We place a special focus on the agri-food sector and some selected sensitive subsectors. The quantitative assessments are amended by qualitative analysis, in particular with regard to the trade and sustainable development chapter of the agreement, issues related to food security and an overview of existing approaches on sustainable development in the Mercosur countries.