CO₂ emission performance standards and reporting obligations for new heavy-duty vehicles
Road transport is a major contributor to climate change. CO2 emissions from heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) have grown steadily and account for over a quarter of road transport CO2 emissions. On 14 February 2023, the European Commission tabled a legislative proposal to revise Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 setting CO2 emission standards for new HDVs in the EU. The proposed revision would expand the scope of the regulation to include urban buses, coaches, trailers and additional types of lorries. The average CO2 emissions of trucks and coaches, compared with 2019 levels, would have to fall by 45 % from 2030, by 65 % from 2035, and by 90 % from 2040 onwards. The proposal set a target date when all newly registered urban buses would have to be zero-emission vehicles. The co-legislators reached a provisional agreement on the proposal in January 2024. The regulation was adopted on 14 May 2024, entered into force on 26 June 2024, and started applying from 1 July 2024. Fifth edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.