Research for CULT Committee: Esports - Policy Recommendations
KEY FINDINGS This Policy Recommendation Briefing is based on the study on “Esports - Background Analysis”. • A suitable and functioning strategy requires a shared understanding/definition of what esports is. It is important to differentiate esports from traditional sports. This can have an impact on the system of traditional sports as well. • Esports is constantly and rapidly evolving, making it necessary to address it as soon as possible. Creating a working group regarding a holistic esports strategy is highly recommendable. • The EU needs to foster interdisciplinary research on esports to gain a better understanding of the industry and on how to utilise esports for the European community. This knowledge can help to solve digital challenges in general. • The creation of a dedicated research centre for esports at the European level is required. • Esports-specific laws are needed just as they are in traditional sports. • The issue of where the regulatory authority concerning esports lies (or should lie) should be resolved. In traditional sports, this tends to be local, but esports is much more international and heterogeneous. • Esports stands for digital communication and innovation. In esports, Europe as a whole is more important than the individual Member States. Therefore, esports can be utilised for the creation of a (digital) European identity.
External author
Tobias M. SCHOLZ, Nepomuk NOTHELFER (Esports Research Network)