Common rules and new framework for securitisation
In autumn 2015, the European Commission proposed a regulation on securitisation, in the context of the Capital Markets Union initiative. The proposal followed a consultation with stakeholders and took into account initiatives at international (BCBS-IOSCO) and European levels (EBA). The proposal replaces existing rules relating to due diligence, risk retention, transparency and supervision with a uniform regime. It provides a framework to identify simple, transparent and standardised (STS) securitisations and to allow investors to analyse associated risks. The proposal came as a package with a second proposal, to amend the Capital Requirements Regulation applicable to credit institutions and investment firms in respect of securitisation. During the October II plenary session, the European Parliament is due to vote on the compromise agreement struck with the Council in May 2017. This briefing further updates an earlier edition, of July 2016: PE 586.624. See also our updated briefing on the related proposal: PE 608.778.