Spain's National Recovery and Resilience Plan: Latest state of play

Briefing 24-10-2023

Spain's National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) is the second largest (in absolute figures) financed by the Next Generation EU (NGEU) recovery instrument and its main spending tool, the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). Following the October 2023 amendment of the Spanish NRRP, to which a REPowerEU chapter was added, the plan's worth reached €163 billion (or 13.1 % of national gross domestic product (GDP) in 2019), which is an increase of roughly 135 % compared with the original (2021) version of the plan (€69.5 billion in grants only). The amended plan comes with an increased grant allocation of €79.8 billion and a freshly requested loan allocation of €83.2 billion. The grant part includes the June 2022 upward revision of Spain's grant allocation of €7.7 billion and the country's REPowerEU grant allocation of €2.6 billion. In addition, Spain has requested a transfer of its share from the Brexit Adjustment Reserve of €58 million to its NRRP. So far, €37 billion of RRF resources (22.7 % of the amended NRRP) have been received. These have been disbursed by the Commission in form of pre-financing and three grant instalments. The amended plan focuses on the green transition by devoting almost 40 % of the resources to it. It also fosters the digital transformation by committing 25.9 % of the funds (excluding the REPowerEU chapter) to digital projects. In the context of the European Semester, the Commission assessed the implementation of the Spanish plan as 'well under way', yet warned about the need to maintain sufficient administrative capacity owing to the NRRP's considerable expansion. The European Parliament participates in interinstitutional forums for cooperation and discussion on its implementation and scrutinises the European Commission's work. This briefing is one in a series covering all EU Member States. Fourth edition of a briefing, the first edition of which was written by Miroslava Kostova Karaboytcheva. The author would like to thank Lucia Sanchez Cabanillas, trainee in the Next Generation EU Monitoring Service, for her research assistance. The 'NGEU delivery' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the lifecycle of the plans.