Welcome by the Chair Mr Sven SIMON - AFCO - Committee on Constitutional Affairs -
The Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) plays an important role in shaping the future institutional set-up of the European Union and deals with all aspects related to the European integration process. This includes the implementation and modification of the Treaties, but also the changes in the European Parliament's Rules of Procedure. Amongst the most important competences figure the institutional aspects of the European integration process, the implementation of the Treaties, the institutional consequences of enlargement negotiations, interinstitutional relations, the electoral procedure, political parties and political foundations at European level, serious and persistent breaches of EU law by a Member State, and the interpretation and application of the Rules of Procedure.
Despite its institutional nature, the work of AFCO has a direct impact on the lives of EU Citizens. Among our objectives, there is making the EU more efficient, democratic and capable to act in a time of ever-greater challenges.