Αρχική σελίδα


Constitutive Meeting

At its constitutive meeting of 3 October 2024, the Delegation for relations with the Arab Peninsula elected the following Bureau Members:

  • Reinhold Lopatka (EPP, Austria), Chair
  • Abir Al-Sahlani (Renew, Sweden), 1st Vice-Chair
  • Daniel Freund (Greens/EFA, Germany), 2nd Vice-Chair
03-10-2024 - 18:07

Reinhold LOPATKA (EPP, Austria) was elected Chair of the Delegation for Relations with the Arab Peninsula (DARP) on 3 October 2024.

Image with selection of covers of publications for new MEPs
25-09-2024 - 11:27

In order to facilitate a swift start to the new legislative term, Parliament has prepared for new Members a series of brochures providing detailed information on the EP's role in the external policies of the EU as well as the work of parliamentary standing delegations.

Delegation secretariat e-mail address: