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21-03-2024 - 10:08

In the afternoon of the 20th of March SANT Members heard a presentation by Prof. Kjeld Schmiegelow from the University of Copenhagen on 'Addressing challenges to European multi-country collaboration models for rare diseases', which was followed by the exchange of views.

21-03-2024 - 10:01

On the 20th of March SANT committee held an exchange of views with Mr Laurent Muschel, acting Director-General of HERA on HERA's past and future activities.

21-03-2024 - 10:00

On the 20th of March SANT committee held a joint meeting with the members of the Committee on Public Health, Medical Care and Health Insurance of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. SANT members had an exchange of views with Mykhailo Radutskyi, Chair of the Committee on Public Health, Medical Care and Health Insurance and Maryna Slobodnichenko, Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine for European Integration.

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