Temaafdelingerne afholder workshopper, hvor medlemmerne kan stille spørgsmål til eksperter og udveksle synspunkter med dem om emner, der er relevante for Parlamentets virksomhed, eller aktuelle emner. De er ikke nødvendigvis offentlige, men kan finde sted i tilknytning til et udvalgsmøde.
The Workshop, organised by the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs for the Committee on Petitions, focuses on the state of play of the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030.
Under the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) Regulation, the European Commission is expected to put forward a proposal for a new multiannual financial framework for the EU budget by 1 July 2025 which will be subject to European Parliament consent. In a context shaped by unprecedented challenges and uncertainties, this workshop will delve into topics of strategic relevance for the Parliament as regards the post-2027 MFF and discuss with external experts their insights.