O nás

Chair's Welcome Words

I am very pleased to welcome you to the website of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE).

With 90 Members, ITRE is one of the two largest committees of the European Parliament.

ITRE legislates on several key policy areas of the European Union, being the committee responsible for energy, research and innovation, industry and SMEs, digital, telecoms and cybersecurity, as well as space policy.

ITRE plays a major role in adopting legislation for the transition of our energy systems to promote the common goals of energy efficiency, security of energy supply, the development of renewable forms of energy, the interconnection of energy networks and bringing down energy prices.

ITRE is also responsible for legislation aimed to ensure Europe's sustainable prosperity and competitiveness. We constantly aim to reinforce the European industry, strategic autonomy and tech sovereignty and to achieve a clean, just and competitive transition for the benefit of our citizens.

We believe that the European economy should ensure quality jobs for people and the right conditions for companies to be competitive and grow, putting also research and innovation at the heart of our economy.

During the 10th parliamentary term, we aim to continue using our legislative powers to fulfil the expectations of European citizens and bring positive changes to their lives.

Borys Budka

Chair of the ITRE Committee

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