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US Capitol in Washington, DC © Belga/AFP/K.Bleier
Andre begivenheder IMCO

Between 24 and 28 February 2025, IMCO Members are going to visit Washington DC. The main aim of this visit is to strengthen the transatlantic cooperation on key policy IMCO areas while obtaining feedback from U.S. stakeholders on the implementation and impact of major EU legislation, including the Digital Services Act (DSA), Digital Markets Act (DMA), EU AI Act, Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), Data Act, and Political Advertising Regulation.

EPRS online roundtable on 6 February 2025
Policy Roundtables and Book Talks EPRS

This policy roundtable will be held online on Webex. No registration needed.

Exchange of Views with Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra on Key Priorities in the Taxation Area
Andre begivenheder FISC

On 6 February 2025, from 11:15 to 12:15, the FISC Subcommittee will host the new Commissioner responsible for taxation, Mr. Wopke Hoekstra, for a discussion on key priorities in the taxation area.

FISC - The Role of the EPPO and Eurofisc in Tackling VAT Fraud in the EU
Andre begivenheder FISC

On 6 February 2025, from 10:00 to 11:15, the FISC Subcommittee will host an exchange of views with Ms Laura Kövesi, European Chief Prosecutor, and Mr Yannic Hulot, Chair of Eurofisc on "The role of the EPPO and Eurofisc in tackling VAT fraud in the EU."

FISC Hearing on “A Coherent Tax Framework for the EU’s Financial Sector” - 6 February
Høringer FISC

On 6 February 2025, from 08:45 to 10:00, the FISC Subcommittee will host a public hearing on ‘A coherent tax framework for the EU’s financial sector’. The hearing will feed into the work on an own-initiative report by the FISC Subcommittee on the same topic.

A man faces a computer generated figure with programming language in the background
Høringer JURI

On 30 January 2025, the Committee on Legal Affairs will hold a public hearing on the Commission proposal for a Directive on adapting non-contractual civil liability rules to artificial intelligence (AILD - 2022/303(COD)).

Role of the longevity economy in the tourism sector
Andre begivenheder TRAN

Study presentation in the TRAN Committee


Efter forretningsordenens artikel 193 kan et udvalg arrangere en eksperthøring, hvis det finder det nødvendigt for sit arbejde med et bestemt emne. To eller flere udvalg kan også holde fælles høringer. De fleste udvalg arrangerer regelmæssige høringer, da det giver dem mulighed for at få oplysninger fra eksperter og drøfte nøglespørgsmål. Denne side indeholder al foreliggende information om udvalgshøringer, inklusive programmer, postere og indlæg fra talere.


Workshopper tilrettelægges af temaafdelingerne og Enheden for Videnskabeligt Fremsyn (STOA) og administreres i overensstemmelse med finansforordningen. Der er ikke nødvendigvis offentlig adgang, da workshopper kan afholdes i forbindelse med et udvalgsmøde.

EPRS' rundbordssamtaler om politikker og bogsamtaler

EPRS' rundbordssamtaler om politikker og bogsamtaler

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Alle andre politisk relaterede arrangementer