Toimunud üritused

Logo of Europol visible on a board outside
Muud üritused LIBE

Ms Catherine De Bolle, the Europol Executive Director since 2018, has presented to LIBE Committee Members the Agency and its current activities, as well as the recent Europol report on criminal networks in the EU. This report delves into the inner workings of the criminal networks that pose the highest threat to the EU’s security.

EPRS Policy Talks 2023-2024
Seminarid EPRS

What is the EU doing to step up its defence and to promote peace?

You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Suzana Anghel, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.

Please just drop in! No registration is required.

EPRS Policy Talks 2023-2024
Seminarid EPRS

What is the EU doing on European political parties and the European Council?

You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Ralf Drachenberg, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.

Please just drop in! No registration is required.

EPRS Policy Talks 2023-2024
Seminarid EPRS

What is the EU doing on EU climate action?

You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Henrique Andre Morgado Simoes, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.

Please just drop in! No registration is required.

EPRS Policy Talks 2023-2024
Seminarid EPRS

What is the EU doing to safeguard the mental health of its citizens?

You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Virginia Mahieu, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.

Please just drop in! No registration is required.

EPRS Policy Talks 2023-2024
Seminarid EPRS

What is the EU doing for 'Climate Refugees'?

You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Joanna Apap, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.

Please just drop in! No registration is required.

ESPAS Global Trends Report 2024
Policy Roundtables and Book Talks ESPAS

This event will launch the 2024 ESPAS Global Trends Report, ‘Global Trends to 2040: Choosing Europe’s Future’. It will be held in the library of the European Parliament in Brussels and broadcasted live on Webex. To attend the event live just click the below link in due time.


Kodukorra artikli 193 alusel võib parlamendikomisjon korraldada ekspertide osavõtul kuulamisi, kui see on vajalik komisjoni tööks teatud valdkondades. Kuulamisi võivad ühiselt korraldada ka kaks või enam parlamendikomisjoni. Enamik komisjone korraldab kuulamisi korrapäraselt, kuna need võimaldavad ekspertidega konsulteerida ja pidada arutelusid tähtsatel teemadel. Siin lehel on kogu olemasolev teave kuulamiste kohta, sealhulgas kavad, teadaanded ja sõnavõtud.


Seminare korraldavad poliitikaosakonnad ja teaduslike tuleviku-uuringute üksus (STOA) ning neid hallatakse kooskõlas finantsmäärusega. Seminarid ei ole alati avalikud, kuid neid võidakse korraldada komisjonide koosolekute raames.

EPRSi poliitikaümarlauad ja raamatututvustused

EPRSi poliitikaümarlauad ja raamatututvustused

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