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Research for PECH Committee - The EU oceans and fisheries policy - Latest developments and future challenges EN
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This study provides an overview of the Common Fisheries Policy and other EU policies in relation to Fisheries, Aquaculture, the Blue Economy and International Ocean Governance. The current and future challenges facing these are described. Strengths and weaknesses of EU policy in addressing these challenges are assessed, leading to the authors making a range of specific policy recommendations.
The Banking Union and the decisions of the CJEU EN
Analiză aprofundată
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Since the inception of the Banking Union numerous decisions of the CJEU have been issued. The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of some of the key decisions on the legal framework established 10 years ago, showing how they have been instrumental in supporting a centralised and integrated model of banking supervision at the EU level. In that context, the SSM could represent an example of a truly integrated EU legislative system, with a proper institutional balance.
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This catalogue provides the list of publications and events prepared by Policy Department for Budgetary Affairs during the eighth legislative period (2019-2024) in the field of budgetary affairs. The first part gives an overview of the studies and briefings requested by BUDG and CONT sometimes in cooperation with the other committees. The second part lists the workshops held at the request of these committees. Short summaries describe the content of each document. The full-text versions of all documents are available online at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/supporting-analyses.
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Research for PECH Committee - The EU oceans and fisheries policy - Latest developments and future challenges EN
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This study provides an overview of the Common Fisheries Policy and other EU policies in relation to Fisheries, Aquaculture, the Blue Economy and International Ocean Governance. The current and future challenges facing these are described. Strengths and weaknesses of EU policy in addressing these challenges are assessed, leading to the authors making a range of specific policy recommendations.
Research for CULT Committee - EU education, youth and sport policy - overview and future perspectives EN
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This study provides a comprehensive overview of the situation to date and forward-looking insights in the areas of European Union education and training, youth, and sport policy. It highlights the existing and potential future challenges and opportunities within each policy field and makes recommendations for addressing them.
Recovery and Resilience Dialogue with the European Commission 16 September 2024 EN
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Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni are invited to the 16th Recovery and Resilience Dialogue (RRD) under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) Regulation, scheduled for 16 September 2024. The previous RRD took place on 22 April 2024.
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Research for CULT Committee - EU education, youth and sport policy - overview and future perspectives EN
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This at a glance note summarises the study providing a comprehensive overview of the situation to date and forward-looking insights in the areas of European Union education and training, youth, and sport policy. It highlights the existing and potential future challenges and opportunities within each policy field and makes recommendations for addressing them.
Recovery and Resilience Plans and the involvement of stakeholders EN
Analiză aprofundată
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This paper presents the latest findings and developments related to the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), with a particular focus on stakeholder assessments of its structure and initial implementation. It summarises the perspectives of stakeholders at the EU, national, regional, and local levels concerning the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs). Notably, the paper compiles recent opinions and evaluations from EU stakeholders, as well as relevant institutions and bodies, regarding the execution of these plans.
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Banking Union is crucial for European integration, ensuring financial stability in the single market for financial services. The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) plays an essential role in interpreting and enforcing the legal framework of the Banking Union, especially regarding the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) and the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM). This in-depth analysis scrutinises the pertinent CJEU case law and highlights its implications for the Banking Union and the EU legal order. This document was provided by the Economic Governance and EMU Scrutiny Unit at the request of the ECON Committee.
Accountability of the European Banking Union EN
Analiză aprofundată
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The European Banking Union has marked a substantial transfer of powers for banking supervision and resolution from the national to the supranational arena. With power and independence comes accountability to ensure that the competences are exercised in accordance with their legal framework. This paper analyses existing accountability mechanisms and concludes that accountability should be strengthened in light of the relevance of supervisory and resolution decisions both on an individual fundamental rights level and at the global policy level.
This document was provided by the Economic Governance and EMU Scrutiny Unit at the request of the ECON Committee.
Gender Mainstreaming in the parliamentary work of the LIBE Committee EN
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On the transparency and accountability of the SSM EN
Analiză aprofundată
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This paper argues that the mandate of the SSM is too imprecise to function as a quantifiable yardstick based on which the performance of the ECB can be objectively evaluated. The accountability mechanisms should therefore focus on policy processes, underlying analyses and motivations instead of results.
Based on the transparency index of Liedorp (2013), the SSM appears much more transparent than national supervisors at the time of the SSM’s creation.
However, the legislative framework lacks one feature that is usually associated with the concept of accountability, as the EP has no possibility to impose formal sanctions if the SSM underperforms.
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This document provides an overview of all country-specific recommendations for 2024 as proposed by the Commission on 19 June 2024 and agreed by the Council on 16 July 2024.
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Regulation 1049/2001 on the right of access to documents, including the digital context EN
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Upon request of the Committee on Petitions (PETI), the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs commissioned the present study on Regulation 1049/2001 on access to documents with a twofold objective. First, to update the analysis conducted in a 2016 study for the PETI Committee with the latest developments in the case law of the CJEU and the activities led by the European Ombudsman since then – in particular focussing on access to legislative documents, documents relating to administrative proceedings, Court proceedings, infringement proceedings, protection of privacy, international relations, and special regimes. Second, to assess the possible future alignment of the Access Regulation with the evolving digital context, including a potential revision of the definition of document, access to user-friendly public registers and internet sites, access to agendas of officials and scheduled meetings with interest representatives, and access to videos of CJEU oral hearings. The research also incorporates illustrative and complementary cases and own initiatives by the European Ombudsman as indications of evolving challenges to institutional secrecy in the EU context.
Public hearing with Claudia Buch, Chair of the ECB / SSM Supervisory Board EN
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This briefing has been prepared for the public hearing with the Chair of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), Claudia Buch, scheduled for 2 September 2024. The previous hearing took place on 21 March 2024.
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10 years of parliamentary scrutiny over the Single Supervisory Mechanism EN
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We first discuss why and how banking supervisors should be held accountable for their activities, then consider the case of the ECB /SSM to report on the academic debate on its faults and merits. We also review the main accountability channels between the ECB and the EP, showing how they have been used since 2014. Finally, we outline some possible steps to improve the ECB’s accountability in the short term.
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This briefing provides a summary of the recent economic developments in the EU Member States and gives an overview of relevant economic projections forecasted by major international and EU institutions. Annex 1 includes latest GDP data and forecasts for all EU Member States and Annex 2 the latest inflation data and developments.
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Research for CULT Committee - EU culture and creative sectors policy - overview and future perspectives EN
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This At a glance note summarises the study providing a comprehensive overview and understanding of the main current and future issues to be expected in the area of EU culture and creative sectors policy in the 2024-2029 term of the European Parliament.
EU anti-fraud architecture – the role of EU-level players, how they cooperate and the challenges they face EN
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This study presents an overview of the current anti-fraud architecture of the European Union, describing the composition, roles and responsibilities of the organisations involved, as well as their governance structures and forms of cooperation and coordination.
On this basis, the study identifies potential risks and challenges related to the design and functioning of the architecture which can suggest further actions to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. It places a particular focus on the existing and possible future role of the European Parliament in this context.
Research for CULT Committee - EU culture and creative sectors policy - overview and future perspectives EN
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This study provides a comprehensive overview and understanding of the main current and future issues to be expected in the area of EU culture and creative sectors policy in the 2024-2029 term of the European Parliament.
Council position on the CMDI reform- An initial analysis regarding key aspects of the proposed bank crisis management framework EN
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Following the negative reaction from the Commission when the Council published its general approach to the CMDI reform, this briefing provides some initial analysis regaring the key aspects of public interest assessment, resolution objectives and resolution funding. Clearly, the Council aims for a narrower scope of resolution in harmonised procedures by the Banking Union authorities than the Commission and narrows the available funding accordingly, potentially privileging action under national frameworks instead. Whether a balance is achieved, however, will require more in-depth analysis.
Autori :
MAGNUS Marcel, SPITZER Kai Gereon
Acts of the Workshop “The EU as a Union of Equality?” EN
Analiză aprofundată
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The European Parliament Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs organised upon request of the Committee on Civil liberties, Justice and Home Affairs a Workshop on “The EU as a Union of Equality?”, which took place on Tuesday 19 March 2024 from 14.30 to 16.00 pm.
The present document collects the transcriptions of the audio-video recordings of the event, which are publicly available on the EP website.
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How to reduce the impact of disinformation on Europeans' health EN
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This in-depth analysis (IDA) provides a broad overview over the emerging challenges connected with disinformation in the area of health, the way it spreads and the damage it causes. The report further highlights proposed or implemented measures at various levels to address health-related disinformation, accompanied by recommendations aimed at mitigating its impact on the well-being of Europeans.
Research for PECH Committee - Handbook of fishing gears used by the EU fleet EN
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This handbook provides an illustrated overview of the main fishing gears currently used in the EU. For each gear, the handbook outlines the essentials of its design, operation method and target species, and shows the main Member State fishing fleets that use it. In addition, it indicates the name of the gears in Danish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch and Portuguese.
Autori :
BREUER Marcus Ernst Gerhard, POPESCU Irina
Research for REGI, CONT and BUDG Committees - Cohesion Policy Calendar (2021-2027 and 2014-2020 Programming Periods) July 2024 update EN
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The implementation timetable for cohesion policy is defined largely by its legislative framework. In order to be able to plan parliamentary work and exercise systematic scrutiny of policy implementation and of the Commission’s work, it is essential to have an overview of the timing of different steps in policy implementation in the coming years. This type of briefing was first published (and subsequently updated) in 2014 covering the 2014-2020 programming period. This version includes the policy actions of the 2021-27 period, while still indicating the last steps of the 2014-20 period. It includes a detailed (but non-exhaustive) timetable of policy actions in the second half of 2024, together with an overview of major actions for the remainder of the programming period, from 2025. Given its contribution to cohesion in the European Union, policy actions under the Recovery and Resilience Facility are now included in the calendar. Policy actions related to budgetary and budgetary control aspects are coloured green (for the year 2024)..
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The Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) is the legal framework (based on primary and secondary EU law) that seeks to ensure sustainable public finances in the interest of the stability of the Economic and Monetary Union. The SGP consists of two main building blocks: the preventive arm and the corrective arm. The revised rules on the preventive and corrective arms entered in force in April 2024. This note provides an overview of the reformed framework. A separate forthcoming document will focus on the application of the SGP. This briefing is structured in three main sections: first, it outlines the key new elements in the preventive arm; second, it details the revised corrective arm; and finally, it explains the role of the European Parliament in the new framework. Each section provides a step-by-step explanation of the procedures involved.
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EU Mapping: Overview of Internal Market and Consumer Protection related legislation EN
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This paper provides a graphic overview on core legislation in the area of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. The presentation essentially covers the areas within the responsibility of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection, but also displays neighbouring areas of other Committees' competences which are closely connected to and impacting on IMCO's work.
This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies and the Secretariat of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) at the request of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection.
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